MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1122 One, two, four: kill Li Yizheng!

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Chapter 1122, One, Two, and Four, Killing Li Yizheng!

According to the time of the earth, almost a year ago, the homes of Lanling and Lancome were smashed by a large hole in the meteor.

At that time, the meteorite was slanting along the wall, almost ruining most of the house.

Later, the property department repaired the house, and the relevant department put the house on the seal.

Later, when the relevant departments came to investigate the disappearance of Lancome, the entire building was moved away, and the entire building was sealed up. Even the guards here were withdrawn three months ago, and the scientists stayed in the homes of Lanling and Lancome for more than three months.

At this time, the entire building where the Lanling family is located is empty.

Li Yizheng and his party opened six Mercedes.

Li Yizheng, Zhuo Yu, Wu Hao, An Zhen, An Zhaozhong, and a dozen bodyguards.

The group of people came to the building where the Lanling family was located. They looked at the innocent: "Even if you are a poor ghost in the mortal world, you still want to steal the things belonging to the Temple of the Dragon and step into the sky? Dream!"

An Zhen could not help but look at her, this woman has never been cultivated like this? This so-called Shenlong Temple only focuses on martial arts cultivation, and does not care about the education of moral cultivation?

"Look at what? Look at your eyes again." No cold voice: "Weak people who speak morality, for us, being able to restrain your killing is the greatest morality."

"Sister, what do you say so much with these mortals?" The male disciple Zhuo Yu glanced at the ampoule and flashed a flame in his eyes.

This amphibious is really glamorous, perhaps not as flawless as innocent. But it is more real, even more attractive, and that **** and hot is especially true.

"Senior brother, do you want to sleep this woman? Yes! But after that I promised to throw you into the wash basin for three days and three nights, after thoroughly washing it, I can touch me."

In this speech, there is really no respect, and ordinary human beings are completely regarded as pigs and dogs.

Go upstairs, come to the door of Lanling's house, and push straight ahead to open the door.

I found that Lanling was already inside and was making tea.

Everyone has a glimpse, has Lanling not left H City? How would it appear here?


Lanling’s home is only 80 square meters. Although it is not magnificent, the decoration is very chic and even beautiful.

Although the decoration money is not much, even many things are done by Lanling and Lancome personally, but it is completely comparable to the decoration effect of 300,000, and even full of artistic beauty.

"Miss An Zhen, I met again, there is nothing in the house, only tea to entertain." Lanling Road.

I don't know why, the heart of An Zhen was filled with fear and anxiety. After seeing Lanling, I was quiet.

Then everything has become the background, leaving only Lan Ling.

"This is your home, so beautiful." Ann said.

"Yeah, it was designed by my wife and I personally, and I personally renovated it." Lanling laughed.

Wife, when I heard the word, An Zhen’s face shook a little.

And when An Zhaozhong saw Lanling at first sight, he immediately understood why the daughter whose eyes were higher than the item would fall in an instant, and it was completely wishful thinking.

This man in front of me has a deadly appeal to women.

"Wife? If I am not mistaken, then it is your sister." Li Yizheng laughed: "What is her name, Lancome? The one that was disfigured by Lin Shipo-sulphuric acid, I have seen photos, that The face has been completely destroyed, just like the surface of the moon, you actually got the bird, I really admire it."

When I heard this, An Zhen’s heart was suddenly broken and more indulged.

From this short period of time, she can make up a very beautiful love story.

An orphan, living with a bloodless sister. One day my sister was disfigured and started to get tired of life and didn't want to live. So, the younger brother married his sister.

If this is the case, she is willing to be the lover of this man's life, and then two people take care of her sister.

Lan Ling suddenly looked forward to Chaoan: "My wife is very good now, and her appearance has also recovered."

An unbelievable, disfigured by sulfuric acid can not be restored, she softly asked: "Where is she now?"

Lanling Road: "I don't know what to say, it should be said in another world, a very beautiful world."

Then, An Zhen thought again and thought that the place was a paradise.

Seeing the first sight of Lanling, Zhuo Yu is extremely hateful.

Why does a traitor’s wild-type apprentice grow so beautiful? Why is it full of magic? Even surpassed him Zhuoyu?

How can this be? He is a disciple of the Temple of the Dragon, the true pride of the sky.

Why can a species surpass him?

"You are the wild species that the traitor Bai Ling received?" Zhuo Yu coldly said: "I am really curious, why don't you follow her for a few more years, then you have a little three-legged cat's effort to come out. Now we are I found out that you are finished. Say, where is your master Bailing? If you say it, wait for the child to suffer less."

Lanling quietly brewed tea, then poured a cup for An Zhen, and poured a glass for An Zhao: "Please use tea for both."

Innocently saw that he only poured tea for An Zhaozhong's father and daughter, but without her share. In particular, Lan Ling did not see her from beginning to end, which made her heart burst in an instant.

Why? Why do you ignore such a wild breed disciple of a sacred priest? Why do you ignore my orthodox God Dragon Temple disciple?

Therefore, innocent decision must be dug down one eye of Lanling.


Lanling is facing Zhuoyu and innocent: "Is the Zhuoyu and the innocent Lord of the Dragon Temple? I will follow you to the Dragon Temple in a while, but I have to deal with some trivial things before, okay?"

Then, Lan Ling Xiang Li Yizheng said: "Mr. Li, we said before, you don't want to provoke me, my patience is very limited, why don't you listen?"

Li Yizheng stood behind Zhuoyu and laughed loudly: "Lanling, you should stop pretending. Your three-legged cat can only show up in front of us mortals. You are nothing in front of the Dragon Temple Master." You are just a shameless thief. After learning for less than a year, you can’t wait to show up. It’s ridiculous that in front of the two masters, you still want to kill me.

Lan Ling looked at An Zhen and then walked toward Li Yizheng.

"What do you want to do?" Zhuo Yu cold channel.

"I am very fast." Lan Lingdao: "After doing this trivial matter, let's talk about things between us."

Then, Zhuo Yu and innocent just let go.

Suddenly, Li Yizhen’s face changed dramatically and desperately retreated.

"The two masters saved me, save me..."

"Two masters, I have helped you, I have helped you."

"Lanling, do you dare to kill me? You dare not kill me? Do you know who my father is? Do you know who my grandfather is? Do you know who is behind me?"

"Lanling, if you dare to move me, my family promises to smash your corpse, and your sister will smash the corpse and smash the corpse."

Lan Ling did not answer, just walked toward Li Yizheng.

Li Yizheng has been retreating and retiring to the side of the window.

"Plopping!" Li Yizheng directly squatted down and cried: "Lanling, beg you to spare me, spare me! All my money, all women, all the property can be given to you. I can Let go of the An’s group, and I will promise you what conditions you have. Two masters of the Dragon Temple, save me, save me...”

Zhuo Yu and the innocent look at this side, do not care.

"I said, you helped me find the Temple of the Dragon, and it still has merit." Lan Ling said with a smile: "So I will not torture you, soon and soon, there will be no pain."

Lan Ling grabbed Li Yizheng's neck and opened the window.

Here is the 19th floor.

Li Yizheng mentioned the outside of the window and let go.

Li Yizheng continued to fall.


In the process of falling, Li Yizheng continued to be miserable, and he rushed out.

"The Dragon Temple, I am your mother!"


With a loud noise, Li Yizheng was kneeling on the hard ground and completely smashed his bones.


Lan Ling closed the window and turned back.

Seeing the beauty and fascination hidden in An Zhenmei, she felt that Lanling was so cool, it was a man who made her soul shudder, even the murder was so handsome, so cool.

And An Zhaozhong was pale and his eyes filled with fear.

Li Yizheng is so dead. The forces behind him are so huge. The power of pure capital is hundreds of billions. The consequences are totally unimaginable.

Lanling Road: "Mr. An, rest assured that nothing will happen. Li Yizheng's death will not have any waves, just like this person has never had this person in the world. If I have not guessed wrong, you should be a few hours later. I received a call from Li Yizheng’s boss and he will apologize to you."

Then, Lanling Chao An said: "You and Zun Zun go home, I have to deal with something here."

Then, Lan Ling looked to Zhuo Yu and said innocent: "Now, let's talk about the things between us. My first question, the Temple of the Dragon on Earth has fallen to this point today? How to send you like this? Two disciples? Is it only that the two of you are stupid, or are the people of the entire Shenlong Temple?"


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(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion