MTL - World Destroying Demonic Emperor-Chapter 1123 One two two five: kill Zhuoyu! Kill innocent

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Chapter 1123, one, two, five, kill Zhuoyu! Kill innocent

After hearing the words of Lanling, Zhuo Yu and Wu Hao also took a moment to squint, and it took a while to react.

"The traitor's wild species, you are looking for death!" Zhuo Yu screamed and slammed the sword.

However, his sword was not pulled out, he was taken over by Lan Ling, and his sword was sniffed. Sure enough, it is a secret sword, and there are energy runes.

"This kind of good sword gives you this kind of silly, it is a waste, it is better to destroy." Lanling gently shook.

This sword is directly smashed.

Zhuo Yu was so angry that he would have lost his hand and was killed. It was a shame and shame.

He no longer cares about any taboos, directly exerts blood energy, and slams against Lanling, killing Lanling in one fell swoop.


Zhuo Yu's empty palm, like the same shot, usually directly hit the Lanling bombardment.

Lanling waved with his hand, and this power disappeared into invisible.

"There is no education at all. How does the Temple of the Dragon teach you? There is something that no one teaches in life." Lanling said: "I will educate you for your elder education."

"You are looking for death..." Zhuo Yu was awkward, and the whole body screamed with terrible energy, and he wanted to condense the power of the whole body to kill Lanling.

Suddenly, his body continually expands and expands into two meters, three meters, four meters, and directly smashes the ceiling.

Zhuo Yu said: "Lanling wild species, let you see what is the power of the Dragon Temple, not you can be compared to a cat and a dog outside the school, wild dogs are wild dogs..."

However, the next second.

Lanling stepped forward and slammed a big slap in the face.

"Hey..." a loud noise.

Zhuo Yu, who was just awe-inspiring, was beaten to the ground.

"Wild species, you dare..." Zhuoyu was beaten and angered to get up.




Lanling stepped forward and slaps directly.


Lively madly smoked his dozens of big mouths, directly hit his handsome face like a pig's head swollen, nose and nose bleeding, teeth fell.

"Your teacher, your parents have not taught you how to say anything?" Lan Ling cold channel.

"贱, wild dog..." Zhuo Yu is a big man.

Is it still hard at this time? Lan Ling was furious and slammed his foot against his waist.

"Ah..." Zhuo Yu screamed fiercely, and his waist was broken.

Lan Ling looked at Zhuo Yudao: "Would you like?"

Zhuo Yu looked at Lanling Road with grievances: "You wait, you wait, my master will avenge me, will kill you and kill all your family."

"Not saved." Lanling shook his head.

Pulling out the sword directly cut off Zhuo Yu’s hands and feet and made him a waste person.

"Now, can you talk well?" Lan Ling asked.

Zhuo Yu is really desperate, really angry and hateful, because both hands and feet can not feel.

"My master, my father, my family will definitely smash your corpse, and smash the corpse..." Zhuo Yu said.

Lan Ling took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and then slowly opened the road: "Zhuo Yu, you are a disciple of the Dragon God Temple, so it is also a student of ancient dragons. I just want to teach you that you don't want to kill. But now it seems that it will not be taught, it can only be destroyed by humanity."

Lan Ling pulled out the sword.

When this was said, Zhuo Yucai really felt scared and felt the cold fear.

"You dare not kill me, you dare not kill me, you are just a wild disciple of the traitor, and I am a disciple of the Temple of the Dragon. My parents are all in the Temple of the Dragon. You dare not kill me." Zhuo Yu said loudly.

Lan Ling looked at him and said slowly: "Zhuo Yu, I sentenced you to death."

Then, he slammed down directly, and Zhuo Yu’s head rolled down.

Until he died, he did not expect Lanling to kill him so decisively.

How dare Lan Ling? How dare you?

He Zhuo Yu died unsuccessfully, and he died.


Lanling turned and looked at the innocent.


Suddenly, countless energy swords slammed.

This beautiful female disciple is innocent and takes the opportunity to attack.

Interesting, she waited until Lanling killed Zhuoyu and then sneaked.

And a shot is a killing trick, meteor sword rain.

Lan Ling suddenly saw that this innocent martial art is still above Zhuoyu, but she usually let Zhuoyu go out first, as if everything is a leader.

In this simple stroke, the meteor sword rain, to condense the blood energy for a long time, like her cultivation, to make this trick at least cost more than 60%.

In other words, her move to Lanling is to want a kill.

"Stabbing, stabbing, stabbing..." Innumerable energy swordsman shot into Lanling's body.

Lanling stood still.

Innocent and happy, I thought I was successful. The beautiful face showed a smug and cruel smile: "Thank you, Lanling wild dog. Thank you for killing Zhuoyu, so that the cultivation resources of the master are from me. People have enjoyed it alone. And I have taken you and made great contributions. The Temple of the Dragon can rise smoothly."

Then, innocent came to the body of Zhuo Yu, and said a foot: "The arrogant waste, if you are not looking at your family, you think I really like you, where are you?" You can go to sleep a few times, you can go to death. Then everything for the master is mine."

Then, the innocent pulled out the dagger and came to the front of Lanling. It was cold and cold: "When the dog came to Lanling, when I came in, I didn’t even look at me, but I only watched the aunt. I said that I have to dig your eyes. Then I have to kill the **** of Anzhen and instantly smash her skin."

Lanling’s gaze shrinks, is this girl actually poisoned to this point?

"You regret it is too late, because you have no eyes." After all, the innocent dagger smashed into the eye socket of Lanling.

However, Lanling’s eyes are still safe and sound.

Her dagger has already pierced the eyes of Lanling, but it seems to pierce the air.

Innocent, and then holding a dagger against the Lan Ling spurs.

But every one is like a stab in the air.

Innocent and shocked, throwing the dagger, pulling out his sword and slamming it against the heart of Lanling.

The heart of Lanling was easily pierced.

Then, her sharp sword slammed Lan Ling's head.

Lan Ling’s head flew out.

Suddenly, the innocent long breath, and the scene just scared him. Originally, I wanted to stay alive, but it didn't matter if I killed it. After all, Lanling is too dangerous.

Only the dead enemy is the safest.


Suddenly, there was a sigh behind him.

"Who?" Innocently jumped and jerked.

Then she saw a very strange scene.

Although Lan Ling was cut off, but there was no drop of blood, and his head was still floating in the air, his eyes were still alive, and even his face was alive.

She suddenly scared her head and numb.

Is this an illusion?

How can this be?

How can anyone in this world be cut off and still not dead? In the legend, only the ancient priests of the Shenlong Temple have this ability?

Lanling’s head slowly flew back to the neck and was completely seamlessly connected. He once again was safe and sound and stood there intact.

"The fall of the Temple of the Dragon has made me sad, but after all, it is the same as me, and it is my people. I just want to give a lesson and ask you about some things about the Temple of the Dragon." Slowly said: "But it seems unnecessary now, Zhuo Yu is a stupid, it is a waste to stay in this world. And you are so vicious, staying in this world is also a scourge, it is better to follow Zhuoyu together."

Innocent face changes, and then display all the energy to repair, crazy attack Lan Ling.


Countless swordsmen rushed toward Lanling.


Many spar bombs are thrown wildly.


Lanling is frantic.

And this innocent does not have the slightest stop, with the fastest speed, and even overdraft blood energy, madly fleeing.

This woman is very uncultivated and very vicious, but it is not stupid, but rather embarrassing.


Run wild, run away, run away...

The whole person turned into a shadow, and soon ran for more than ten kilometers.

Innocently feels that it should be safer, take a slow breath and raise your head.

However, not far from the front, Lan Ling floated in the air, and the handsome face looked at her laughing.

"Ah..." Innocent exclaimed, then ran in the opposite direction, even biting his tongue, spurting a **** fog, crazy overdraft blood energy running away,

This time I ran for a few dozen kilometers and stopped to take a breather.

However, looking up, in front of a few tens of meters, still floating in the shape of Lanling.

"Ah...ah..." screaming without screaming, then rushing toward the west.

This time, she ran for hundreds of miles and almost broke her breath.

However, as soon as I stopped to breathe and looked up, Lan Ling still floated dozens of meters in front of him.

"Ah...ah...ah..." Innocent is really going crazy, it’s going to collapse.

Then, take out a few small daggers and slam down a few points on your body.

In an instant, her body blew a **** light, then jerked faster, faster than before, and fled to the east.

Run hard, run, run, and dare not stop.

Her blood energy, even vitality, is passing fast.

After running more than three hundred kilometers, her energy was completely exhausted. She did not believe that Lanling would appear in front of her.

So she looked up again.

However, the scene of despair appeared, Lanling still appeared in front of her dozens of meters, still floating in the air, the beautiful and unparalleled face smiled.


Innocent is really crazy, completely collapsed!

Then, I saw only a handful of Lan Ling’s hand.

The surrounding scenery is changing. She is not in the wilderness of more than three hundred kilometers, but still in the home of Lanling, next to Zhuoyu's body.

Just now she was running wildly, overdrafted, and ran away with overdraft. It turned out that she was just running wildly, and everything was an illusion made by Lanling.

Innocent directly squats: "Adult, spare me, spare me! I listen to you, I am so beautiful, you can do whatever you want, I will give you slaves, don't kill me."

"Don't talk, very fast." Lan Lingdao.

He stepped forward and took out the dagger and pointed it at the innocent neck.


Pierce directly from the neck to the top of your head!


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(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion