MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 507 Consume you

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So, soon there was a huge notice on the tall wall of the Lion King City, which read, Dear Nikolai, I will soon go to a ruin to explore in the future. There are countless treasures, so If you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible.

This notice made everyone in the Lion City feel puzzled, and those who passed through the Lion City were laughing one after another.

However, some people who turned their minds faster realized that Xiao Yu’s intention to do so could not help but admire Xiao Yu’s wit.

Now, because of the opening of the Angola Mountains, there are so many people who come here to explore. Even if it is not for adventure, take a look at the elves here, the orcs, and you can also be a tourist.

Xiao Yu also specially engaged a group of painters to come over and let some people and the orc buddies make a portrait together, and then collect the money. Many measures such as this make the Lion King very popular now.

The reason why Xiao Yu is also trying to play the name of the Lion King. After all, the Lion King is too remote, and only when it starts its name can it attract more talent.

Now the Lion King is also the only way to Yunmeng. Xiao Yu also deliberately develops business channels and encourages businessmen to pass through here. He collects taxes.

Therefore, the lion collar, which was previously desolate, is now a very lively place. More than a hundred times more traffic than before.

Some people who have been recruited by Xiao Yu’s good policies have taken root here, making it a country like a **.

Xiao Yu has established some small towns to live in other people, not to station troops, and gradually become more and more model.

Seeing that Xiao Yu recently started to move, many adventurers ran over and wanted to join. As a mercenary to earn some money, Xiao Yu also approved, and implemented a set of codes of conduct for mercenaries, and then put These people are handed over to Caso for management.

Caso was originally a mercenary, and it was very easy to manage them. There are naturally some secret agents and scouts in the other side, but Xiao Yu doesn't care. One or two scouts have little influence on Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu’s trip to defend the Principality relied on hardware strength, and then Chimera’s squad, even if his own deployment was known to the other party, he was not afraid.

Mercenary is also a very good force. If used well, it can also play a big role. In the past, Hannibal relied on the mercenary and did not mess with Rome.

If it wasn't for the last Roman Wei to save Zhao and attack Hannibal's hometown, Carthage, then Hannibal probably relied on the mercenaries to overthrow the entire Roman dynasty.

Therefore, when all the preparations were almost the same, Xiao Yu led the army, the mighty, blatantly went to the Weigong.

At this time, in Weigong, several people are discussing something.

"That Xiao Yu really doesn't know how high he is, think he can really lay down this Principality? The Kennedy family has already indicated that they will not give up the Principality, because it can be a gateway to Yunmeng, which is a very important strategic location. Now, we have enough power here. If he comes, he will definitely not let him die." In the main position, a man with a big man and a full body is cold and cold.

This person is the general of the Kennedy family, Zanetti, who was here before.

Zanetti is a talented person and very conceited. Although the last attack on the Lion King failed, he thought that it was mainly because he did not know the other party's arms, and at that time was Roberts command, he did not have real military power, so it led to in this way.

Now, Roberts is not here, the command is all his, what is he afraid of? The elite soldiers here in the Principality, plus the strong fortifications, and the strategic resources of the Kennedy family, can you really beat the Xiao Yu?

"Yes, there is Zaneetti commander you are here, you can definitely return the wolf that Xiao Yu hit." At this time, the father of the red, Li He, looked like a smirk and said with a smile.

Now, Lihe has also become the main general of the Weigong State, and cooperates with Zanetti to carry out the protection of the Principality.

"Not to mention, there are people in our church. When you are in a fierce battle, I lead people to attack from the flank, and they will definitely be surprised. They will completely defeat the army of the Lion King." At this time, a full body red armor, some arrogant The young man stood up.

This person, when you look at it, knows that it must be a church person.

"Yes, there are a lot of adults, this time we will definitely be able to win this battle." Li He once again flattered.

"Well, the Scarlet Crusade led by the Chief Elite is an extremely powerful force, they certainly can't think of it." Zanetti looked at Terri, and his eyes flashed a glimpse of the imperceptible charm, but also flattered.

Zanetti is a talented person. It is very clear about the situation on this continent. Now the church is full of expansion forces, attacking the city, and killing people. This behavior is very repugnant.

Especially the ideological control of the church, anyone who does not believe in the pope must be killed, which makes him extremely disgusted, hate to bring people to the church.

However, considering the overall situation of the strategy, he now has to cooperate with the people of the church, because in this case, he can help him to defend the Principality.

There are no absolute enemies, only eternal interests. Now, the church has the same interests as them. They don't want Xiao Yu to develop them, so they can come together.

They may hate each other very much from each other, and even want to vomit when they meet, but on the surface, they must smile and be like brothers.

This is the benefit.

"The marshal Kaiqi, the lion-led army has been opened, and attacked us in the Weigong. See the number of people, at least 100,000." The scouts below came to report.

"Well, how many roads do they have?" Zanetti looked unchanged and asked faintly.

"All the way." The scout said.

"What? All the way? Just sent a way?" Zanetti heard this, but it frowned suddenly, knowing that the territory of the Principality is very large, there are many defenses, the general offense, if A duchy that attacks such a big country must be divided into several roads, and several key points are shackled, but how Xiao Yu walked all the way to the 100,000 army.

"Yes, their 100,000-strong army has no meaning to separate. The first thing should be to reach the cold city." The scout said again.

"This Xiao Yu, I don't know the art of war at all. Is there such a fight in the war? Isn't he afraid that we will cut off his back from other directions? There is no countermeasure at all, so it is easy to be attacked by the side." Zanetti brows Wrinkled, frowning for Xiao Yu’s strange play.

"This Xiao Yu wins with strange soldiers every time. Maybe there are other tricks this time. We must be careful." I heard this here, but the eyebrows raised slightly and said.

Very young and handsome, talented and very popular with the Pope. Before Alonso’s betrayal, Modric was killed, and Chris Moe was dead. Those crusaders were betrayed and made him hate Xiao Yu.

He believes that Xiao Yu is completely insulting the glory of the Scarlet Crusade. Therefore, he took the initiative to ask for it, just want to give or catch Xiao Yu, and then personally send it to the stake.

Chris Mo has a high weight in the church. Of course, the church will not say that Chris Mo has been rebellious, but that it was killed by Xiao Yu with tricks, and that Alonso has become a accomplice.

So now the whole church hates Alonso and Xiao Yu.

"Hey, I want to see what tricks he plays, tell the defenders of the cold city, and stick to it. I will send people to attack from the flank and attack. As long as they can hold on for one day, Xiao Yu will definitely fail." Tidy passed down the order.

"Yes." So the scouts went on quickly.

At this time, Xiao Yu took the mighty army and was marching and singing. Xiao Yu adapted the music of the man as self-improvement, as a military song, let everyone sing loudly and boost morale.

The man’s self-improvement was originally taken from the ancient song general order. It is a kind of song that is very suitable for fighting to improve morale. At this time, it was changed by Xiao Yu. In the desolate wilderness, a long marching army, huge drums, and A kind of momentum, people are daunting.

The momentum is the most important thing in an army. Xiao Yu attaches great importance to this aspect and tries his best to improve morale.

Singing is undoubtedly a very good way to improve morale. Xiao Yu remembers hearing a story before, saying that a general is fighting, and every time he wins or wins, he asks his high-song song to return to the city.

In this case, the people thought that they had always won the battle, and the soldiers gradually felt that they were winning every time, and the morale was high.

Such a good way, Xiao Yu can not be used.

After two days of marching, I finally reached the bottom of the cold city. I watched the cold city that had been reinforced by Zanetti. Xiao Yu did not order to attack immediately, but let the troops rest in place, and then eat and drink for a while.

As a result, the troops had a while to eat, drink, and carnival, and they were all happy.

In the evening, all the soldiers were ready to fight, and they were all energetic and ready to fight. However, Xiao Yu still has no command to attack, just warn everyone to settle down, defend and not attack.

Everyone is extremely surprised. Why didn’t you attack here? However, as everyone knows, Xiao Yu is a famous player who has never lost. In doing so, it must have any intentions, so he will wait for one by one.

At this time, the command of the cold city, has been guarded by all the gods, waiting for it, seeing Xiao Yu does not attack, could not help but frowned, do not know what Xiao Yu is thinking.

However, he did not dare to neglect Xiao Yu, so he kept a high degree of alert and simply did not dare to go back to his house to sleep. He was only sleepy for a while.

In his judgment, Xiao Yu must be prepared to find a good time to conduct a sneak attack, so he must be extremely careful. Zanetti has already heard the news. As long as he holds on to it, when Zanetti sends people to attack from the side, this embarrassment is basically a win.

All he has to do is to hold it at all costs.

On the second day, he thought that Xiao Yu might send someone to attack. However, he was very surprised to find that Xiao Yu actually began to build the fortifications in the same place, what watch towers, wooden fences, trenches, and several excavations.

Therefore, for several days in a row, Xiao Yu did not mean a little offensive. Instead, he continued to dig trenches and build fortifications here. It seems that he was going to build a city here.

"What kind of ghost is this Xiao Yu doing?" Zanetti had already sent people to prepare for a sneak attack from the side. As long as Xiao Yu began to attack the cold city, he would attack Xiao Yu from the back and side.

However, Xiao Yu is not attacking. Every day he orders soldiers to eat, drink, and play games. Recently, in the rain camp of Xiao Yu, games such as Gomoku, sandbags, skipping ropes, and even football have been launched in full swing, forming several major leagues.

So everyone is dumbfounded.

Not only Zanetti are dumbfounded, but even Mu Huali, Longhui, Chahetai, Caso and others are completely dumbfounded? What is this Xiao Yu doing?

Why not fight? Although forced attack, it may cause certain losses, but now the strength of the Lion King is not weak, even if it is hard, you can also knock down the cold city.

If it is said that the enemy is attacking on the side, some people can also resist the living. Caso will take the initiative to ask, otherwise the protection of the flank.

However, Xiao Yu’s reply to him is that next week’s five-game chess, if you lose, you must dance striptease in front of all the soldiers.

Cassoton suddenly collapsed.

"What is this Xiao Yu doing? Is it because I want to lead us out?" Zanetti is completely crazy. If it is okay in the first few days, it will be a month. Xiao Yu still plays chess there. Dancing, carnival, not attacking the city at all, let him feel that his nerves are about to collapse.

To be honest, if he is allowed to take the initiative to attack Xiao Yu, he still has no absolute certainty. Although Xiao Yu is not in the Lion City, but camping outside, Xiao Yu’s strength is now extremely powerful. When he came out to attack Xiao Yu and gave up the protection of the city wall, he would definitely lose.

Originally, he had already done a fight against the city, but now it has been dragged down by Xiao Yu.

He also tried to send people to attack Xiao Yu several times, but Xiao Yu had too many repairs in the trenches, making it too difficult for them to attack the camp. Small-scale harassment is completely useless, and a large-scale offensive is definitely a heavy loss.

Now, Zanetti has no idea what to do.

After another half a month, Zanetti couldn’t help it. The other 100,000 troops were guarding the outside and not attacking. This is definitely a huge torment for the command.

It was like the Battle of Kursk. The Soviet generals had already fixed the tactics to defend, but the Germans never attacked. They were almost anxious and almost collapsed.

If the Germans do not launch an offensive, they will launch an offensive in three days, but fortunately, the Germans advanced. This large battle is a huge test for the heart of the commander.

At this time, the ingenuity is not the most important, and whose heart can withstand greater pressure, whoever can achieve the final victory.

"No, I can find a way to get them out." Zanetti’s eyes flashed a glimpse.

So Zanetti wrote a challenge book that was extremely arrogant and insulting and sent it to Xiao Yu. This letter was honed by Zanetti’s advisers. The average person read this letter, and it’s sure that he will be violent and thunderous, and he willing to give Zanetti a suede.

However, after Xiao Yu had seen it, he just wrote a reply letter. This letter has only four words: dry your mother.

Zanetti received a reply and was furious. Although he had already insulted Xiao Yu, he did not use such straightforward words. He was so angry that he once again wrote a more vicious swearing discourse. Come out and fight.

However, Xiao Yu did not look at it this time, and returned a letter again, still four words: dry your mother.

"This bastard." Zanetti was going crazy, that is, hiring soldiers to the front of Xiao Yu’s camp, all kinds of sharp words and insulting language were all made out, and Xiao Yu’s ancestors were given to him. Almost from the grave.

Long Hui listened to these words, screaming and screaming, Zanetti dared to insult Xiao Jiazu, this is absolutely not allowed. He has been loyal to Xiao family for so many years, some people dare to insult Xiao Jiazu but do not play He is absolutely unbearable.

Therefore, Long Hui rushed out with the arbitrarily, but just rushed to half, he was captured by Xiao Yupai Mawei.

"Uncle Long, you are so old, still so angry, the so-called gentleman does not do anything, he yells at us, we also slap them on the line, if it is done, it is too unjust, we are gentlemen, How can we do this kind of fight and kill, this is really too much to lose our Xiao family's style. Come, Kael'thas, give me a magic." Xiao Yu said, put Kael'thas Called over and told him to go out and put a magic on the outside.

So, shortly after, I saw it above the Xiaoyu camp. In the direction of the insults, there were several huge fireworks, and then burst in the sky, showing four characters: dry your mother.

Zanetti looked at the four words and spit it out with a sigh of blood.

Therefore, in the future, no matter how Zaneetti sent people, Xiao Yu is a tribute to the four words, to do your mother.

Moreover, Xiao Yu also let the soldiers of the men shouting together and killing your mother, it is really sorrowful, soaring and sorrowful, let people smell the color, see the chill.

So, since then, Zanetti is no longer embarrassed, he finally recognized the fact that he is in any case, not in the case of Xiao Yu.

However, Zanetti did not dare to relax his alert. He believed that Xiao Yu would have such a plot and be prepared to suddenly attack, so he always kept the soldiers in high morale and could not have the slightest slack.

In this way, the soldiers of the Weigong State are all fearful and savage every day, fearing that when Xiao Yu will send troops.

After another half a month, the commander of the church was unable to sit still. The cold voice said: "I really don't know what you are afraid of? Are we really afraid of them? I am going to take people. The attack can definitely give him a fatal blow. He knows the tortoise and the turtle, what can he do?"

"Extraordinary, I can understand your mood, but I have to remind you that before we joined Alonso and the Master of Modric to attack Xiao Yu, the strength at that time was stronger than now, but still Lost. Do you think that with these people, can you kill Xiao Yu?” Zanetti is also very angry recently, and can’t help but rude.

"What should we do? Do we wait so?" He snorted and actually knew that this was the truth. If Xiao Yu was so good, he would not be there now.

"Don't wait for us to do it again? They don't come out. I have to see if he can hide in the end." Zanetti is not in a good mood recently. He also played a lot of jealousy, but like Xiao Yu. This commander, he was the first to see.

So, time passed again a little bit, Xiao Yu, their play more and more, even changed the play, there are many times to run out of the camp to play, because the space in the camp is not big enough.

The soldiers of the Principality often watched the soldiers of Xiao Yu playing various games here. It took a long time. They also understood some rules and cheered Xiao Yu on the city.

"Come on, the red team is cheering, licking your stinky feet, can you kick in? Is it better than me? If I can definitely kick in. It seems that today I have to lose again." On the head of the city, several Weigong The soldiers are squandering, and gambling through Xiao Yu’s football on their side has become the most important way for them to pass the time.

Otherwise, it will stand like a few months in a row, who can afford it? Both the spirit and the body can't afford it.

It is not that the military order can make you all God's alert. The human spirit is limited. After long-term consumption, it will naturally fall. This is the physiological law.

"Hey, I am going to be the Blue Army this time. I will prepare the money for a while." The soldiers of the Weigong who won the ball were smiling.

"Fake ball, this is definitely a fake ball. Otherwise, how could the red team play like this?" The lost Principal soldiers immediately became dissatisfied.

"What fake ball? The strength of the blue team is strong, you are not convinced."

"What is the dissatisfaction? What did the blue team have been abused by our red team in the past few times? What did you win nb this time?"

"We are nb, what happened? You are a red team dog."

"Dare to say that I am a red team dog, what are you? You are the blue team pig."

"Hey, who are you talking about?"

"I said that all the people who like the red team are dogs."

"Scratch, is it not flat? I will support the Red Team."

As a result, the city was quickly confused and hit.

On this day, Xiao Yu was watching songs and dances in the camp, while playing chess with Caso, but suddenly a soldier quickly came in to the notice, saying: "The lord of the lord, there is a man named Nikola outside to ask."

"Rely, how come this kid came so late?" Xiao Yu was extremely dissatisfied, waved his hand and said: "Call him in."

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