MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 508 What's wrong?

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W didn't take long, a familiar figure walked into Xiao Yu's camp and saw Xiao Yu lying on the couch with a look of laziness. Haha smiled and said: "Long time no see, Xiao Yu."

The person who came is Nikolay.

Xiao Yu haha ​​smiled and said: "Yeah, but in fact it hasn't been seen for a long time. I definitely missed me, so I don't think I have seen it for so long. Yeah, I am a very unforgettable person after I met this person. I don’t see it every day."

"Oh, you are still so shameless." Nikolay looked at Xiao Yu and couldn't get up even when he got up. He continued to smile and sipped his wine. He didn't care. He went straight to Xiao Yu's side and sat down. Drink a cup of wine and drink it.

"Hey, look at each other. How are you doing? Are you ready to expand everywhere?" It’s like two good friends, and the two people talked completely without obstacles. It was easy.

"Fortunately, anyway, they have begun to arrange, first consolidate some small territory nearby." Nikolay's attitude toward Xiao Yu is like a friend who is completely trustworthy. This naming is a highly military secret, and there is no secret to Xiao Yu at all.

"Well, I heard that the church seems to be expanding to you. Don't you prepare in advance?" Xiao Yu adjusted a comfortable posture and said faintly.

"Don't worry, the pope is not a fool, no place to move, he knows what to do. It's you, now people are mainly thinking about you, what do you do when you get there?" Nikolay took off his shoes directly I also lie down on the couch, and I put a lot of Xiao Yu into it, and made a big place.

"I rely on you, you occupy such a big place." Xiao Yu suddenly dissatisfied.

"I have always been greedy." Nikolay said with a smile, grabbed a grape and put it gently into his mouth, his face full of smug smiles.

"Cut, greedy people, are not good to end." Xiao Yu cursed evil.

"Hah, people who are not greedy, what are they alive? People are greedy when they are alive, because they are greedy, so they have the motivation to live. Are you not greedy?" Nikolay did not care about the curse of Xiao Yu.

"Hey, I am not greedy? I said that my biggest ideal is to guard this three-point land, to be a small emperor, and there is no dispute with the world, do you believe it or not?" Xiao Yu cried, said.

Nikolay is a rare and serious thought for a few seconds, and said: "I believe, just, this era, you are not allowed to do this. This world is a world where you will be eaten by others without eating others. So You must constantly strengthen and make yourself stronger, then eat others and become the biggest fish."

"But, the powerful fish will never jump out of the river of destiny. At most we have to wave a few waves, but it is impossible to jump to other rivers, and it will never be possible to go ashore." It’s not too hard to talk, and Xiao Yu is happy to express some of his own ideas.

"No one can go ashore, but as long as we swim in this river, we are happy, can't we do it?" After Nikolay stunned, he suddenly said with a smile.

"Haha, you are right, as long as we swim happily and play happily, it will do." Xiao Yu did not expect that Nikolay could see so thoroughly, anyway, this was originally a game, playing I am happy.

"What is the new adventure you said? What good things can you have?" Nikolay took a sip of wine and began to ask about business.

"In fact, there is nothing, I just miss you, so I told you to talk about the old." Xiao Yu is very guilty.

"I rely on, do you want to die? Call me, is it boring to accompany you?" Nikolay knew that Xiao Yu was really able to make such a thing.

"Hey, don't be so excited, don't worry, call you, definitely won't let you come, will definitely give you some benefits." Xiao Yu is very shameless, comforting Nikolay.

"Hey, if you don't have enough benefits, don't blame me for putting a curse magic scroll in your Lion City." Nikolay threatened.

"Do not worry, I am the kind of unreliable person?" Xiao Yu said with a chin, proudly said.

"You are." Nikolay looked at Xiao Yu's eyes and said very seriously.

"Oh... this, I don't have such confidence in me? I am a gentleman who has a hard time chasing after a horse. I am a person who knows a word, I am a..." Xiao Yu can show that he can stand and can The idioms of the meeting were all moved out.

"Roll, hurry to say something right, Lao Tzu still has things, there is no time to chat with you here." Nikola smashed Xiao Yu's foot, interrupting his self-selling boast.

"Cough, actually, it is like this. I want to let you see how I got rid of this Weigong. In the future, this Principality is also mine. I think that all the benefits are me alone. Ah, therefore, I think I will give you some benefits too." Xiao Yu pointed to the tall wall outside.

"Oh? When were you so kind? Want to give me benefits? You are absolutely unprofitable, you can say, what is it that requires me?" Nikolay asked directly.

"Cough... You can't pretend that you don't know a little? I don't have much face." Xiao Yu said, helplessly spread his hands and said.

"Do you need such a face for someone like you?" Nikolai said disdainfully, a look of extreme contempt.

"Even if I don't want it, don't you say so straightforward? Well, now it is also a lord, and the site is getting bigger and bigger. If I listen to it, I have no face." Xiao Yu suddenly rolled his eyes. .

"Well, I will give you face, you say, see how much benefit you want to give me?" Nikolay and Xiao Yu touched the cup and said.

"In fact, this is the case. I recently got a chamber of commerce and planned to do business between Yunmeng and the hinterland. However, in some places, my joints are not so good, so I need you to do some help. You can rest assured, Since it is for you to help, it will definitely not let you suffer, it will give you some benefits." Xiao Yu also began to say directly.

"Oh? This is a good thing. You are close to Yunmeng, and now you have a good relationship with Yunmeng Tuohong. You can get a lot of resources and political support there. This is a good deal, then you How much interest do you intend to give me?” Nikolay listened to Xiao Yu and said that he also came to interest.

Why don’t he give him money? For the business opportunities in Yunmeng, he has already begun to make an idea, but there is Xiao Yu here, and even if he wants to do it, it is difficult to make it bigger.

However, if you let Xiao Yu do it directly, he will pay the time, which is a good thing.

"You give me the protection of all your areas, I will give you 20% of net income." Xiao Yu is also enough to say that the direct opening is 20% of the net profit, it is quite a lot.

However, after Nikolay listened, he shook his head directly, then extended four fingers and said: "Four percent."

"I rely, do you grab it?" Xiao Yu suddenly jumped up and almost poured a glass of wine on Nikola's face.

"A lot of 40%? You have to know that my influence on this continent is much bigger than you. The people who sell my face are much more than the people who sell you. I will protect you. you will receive four percent, you cheap enough, and if other people get into reverse. "Nikolay a very obstinate look, let Xiao Yu looked just wanted to hit him. But Xiao Yu also knows that Nikolay is indeed a sloppy capital.

"I didn't want you to contribute. If you sit down and enjoy it, you will tell me that you want 40%. It's too black for you, two and a half years. I am sincere enough." Xiao Yu put his price online.

"Three and a half." Nikolay also talked about some price codes, bargaining.

"Forget it, Laozi is not a stingy person, 30%, but in your area, the cost of street shops, you have to come out." Xiao Yu raised the price.

"Forget it, don't care about it, I will go out and deal with it." Nikolay smiled and touched Xiao Yu and said that the cooperation was pleasant.

"You are really a black-hearted profiteer. It's no wonder that your family can do this big. It was all done this way." Xiao Yu did not forget the sinful look of Nikolay.

"If there is no business, then if you are doing business honestly, can you become a family that has been passed down for thousands of years? People who are not treacherous are weak people. In this world, you have to eat others and **** the blood of others. You can grow up. Because, at the moment, others are sucking your blood." Nikolay leaned on the couch and looked very quiet.

At this time, Nikola's hair was slightly scattered, and the white robe was soft and comfortable, extremely gentle, and every movement showed a good education from a young age.

He was a little sideways, his face turned over, and Xiao Yu stunned. He felt that he was not lying in front of him, but he seemed to be a beautiful woman.

Indeed, Nikolay is very handsome, and even handsome people feel more like a woman.

"Rely, why are you looking at me like this?" Nikolay looked at Xiao Yu's eyes and felt uncomfortable.

"Nothing? I said Nikola, do you have a sister, do you want us to marry?" Xiao Yu looked at what Nikola is like now, and if it was replaced by a daughter, it would be like a woman.

"My day, your grandmother dripping, what do you want?" Nikolay finally understood what Xiao Yu was thinking, and he took Xiao Yu directly from the couch.

"I rely, do you need to be so embarrassed? Isn't it just asking if you have a sister? Do you think that Laozi will be interested in you? I still don't have such a heavy taste, although you look a lot like a woman... "Xiao Yu said as he climbed up, and Nikola gave him another foot."

"You look like a woman, your whole family is like a woman." Nikolay is really angry, this is what Xiao Yu said to him, and it is in the land of Xiao Yu, otherwise, for another person, he I am sure to feed the dog directly.

"Cough... You are more fierce than Aegwynn's mother, Lao Tzu teasing her, hitting me with magic at the most, and not directly moving his ankle like you. If anyone smashes you, it will be bad for eight generations... ”

The last sentence of Xiao Yu, directly blowing Nikola to the bang of the gas, smashed the entire bed, chasing Xiao Yu everywhere.

As a result, this directly led to Xiao Yu's entire big account collapsed, and then Yu Yu's men, Nikola's men quickly rushed in to see what happened.

When they saw that both Xiao Yu and Nikolay were wandering, they were covered in dirt, and even the shoes were not worn. After the hair was scattered, they slowly turned around and said nothing. .

"My day." Xiao Yu saw this, suddenly turned a blind eye, what thoughts are these people? Why are you so dirty? It’s just that they are joking with Nikolay and they are having fun. Why do they think so? Is this world really a world of infinite love?

Nikolay is even more ugly. At this time, his attack is not, no episodes are not. Looking at Xiao Yu’s eyes, he wants to eat Xiao Yu.

"Cough... I just talked with Nikola son about martial arts. I accidentally made a big move. I quickly got another account. We haven't finished talking yet." Xiao Yu quickly told him that he couldn't help himself. Wiping his nose, why did this Nikola react so much to some jokes, wouldn't he really fall in love with himself?

Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel a bit cold, when did he have such a heavy taste? Heaven and earth conscience, he is really not interested in men.

It seems that this joke is still less open in the future, and many of the base friends are likely to be so joking.

There was nothing in Xiao Yu’s space ring. Soon, a new big account was set up. Xiao Yu advanced the camp, but Nikolay did not go in immediately, but the evil road: “Give me a single one. Tent, I want to take a shower, I am with you, I am dirty."

As a result, Nikola's words, everyone's eyes are even more weird. Nikolay also realized his own words, a madness, almost mad.

Nikolay took a shower and went to Xiao Yu’s big account again, but he didn’t sit next to Xiao Yu’s side, but sat down on one side of the chair and snorted, “Every time I meet you, I don't seem to have any good things."

"Hey, you guys, is that what you want to face, what do they want to do? For such a noble children, this kind of thing seems to be commonplace? Are you afraid of what others say?" Xiao Yu wants to ease it. The atmosphere, said.

"Hey, do you think that I am afraid that others will say this? Just if it is with you, the value of Laozi will fall too much." Nikolay sneered at Xiao Yu.

"My day, what happened to me? Isn't Laozi not worthy of you..." As a result, Xiao Yu regretted it when he finished, what is going on?

"Forget it, don't tell you this, the Chamber of Commerce is so fixed, then we can talk about the church." Xiao Yu looked at Nikola's bad eyes and quickly shifted the subject.

"What do the church have to say? Anyway, they are not threatening me anymore." Nikolay leaned back on the back of the chair, and at this point he had completely restored the original calmness.

"Hey, you can't say that. What kind of things the church is. You have a few things in your heart. If one day I fall, you will definitely be unlucky. The Pope's ambition is not small, and their strength grows. Too fast, if you don’t start early, it’s too late. You can talk to Leonardo’s kid about it. He seems to be in close contact with the church now. He should be at the church. More hateful." Xiao Yu also pulled Leonardo in. m

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