MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 513 Victory occupation

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In fact, Chimera does not look so powerful, but also has many shortcomings. The first is that his defense is not as strong as a dragon. If he is attacked by powerful magic or magical bow, he will be easily injured and double-headed. Chimera’s air flexibility is relatively poor and vulnerable to attacks.

Moreover, Chimera's melee ability is even worse than a dragon. Their most powerful means of attack is their breath.

But now no one on the mainland remembers such things as Chimera. They don’t fully understand the characteristics of Chimera. Now they also regard Chimera as a dragon. The fear is so that they don’t know how to deal with it. .

Although the Scarlet Crusade is very powerful, it is not afraid of death, but not afraid of death does not mean that they are not people, people, psychologically, there will be shortcomings.

That is the fear of something fixed, such as the dragon. If a dragon is a dragon, they are not really afraid. After all, the Lion King has a dragon, and they have already heard of it.

However, one hundred, that is not a concept.

One hundred dragons can definitely be invincible, and the 100,000-strong army will be wiped out in an instant.

Although it is not a hundred dragons, but now one hundred Chimera's breath goes down together, the power is also desperate. Now, the feelings of those **** crusaders are left with the word despair.

They didn't even have a bit of rebellious thinking, either fleeing or stumbling, or standing in the ground, not knowing what to do.

And when they don't attack Chimera with a magical bow and choose to escape, they can only become cannon fodder. In fact, the best way to deal with Chimera is to not run away, spread out, and then use powerful magic, or a powerful magic bow to attack quickly.

Now, they are running around with a swarm of bees, which is exactly the target of bombing.

"Ah..." At this time, an angry shout rang through the entire battlefield. This person is the leader of the Crusaders.

I did not think of the special results, and the final result turned out to be like this.

Although he survived in the dense breath with his super strength, his troops were completely gone, and the whole army was wiped out.

Such a simple military annihilation, so that he did not have any means.

Despair, absolute despair, and a moment of pride, become despair. This feeling is like a group of heat suddenly turned into ice.

At this time, he had no sense of his own. He was already insane. At this time, he only made a resentful roar, and then he was alone and killed to Xiao Yu.

"This kid is that fool?" Xiao Yu looked at this kind of Tule, shook his head helplessly, saying: "Give him a good time, all remote, collective attack."

Then, under the command of Xiao Yu, the magical arrow of the blade car, the elf archer, the bullet of the dwarf gunner, and all kinds of powerful brakes, together with the over-the-top shot.

And this kind of shooting is not going all the way down, but going down in batches. After a long period of training, Xiao Yu’s long-range force attack has already had an echelon level, and it has been uninterrupted. Now Xiao Yu has more money, and she doesn't care about the use of bows. So these guys are all throwing away from money, all kinds of magic bows, the blade of the blade car, and the chopping down, it seems It is raining, and it is still a heavy rain.

It is also a Paladin of the fifth-order peak. It is powerful. At the beginning, he can withstand several attacks. However, this kind of rain-like attack is constantly smashing down, and the magic arrows, blade cars, and muskets are extremely A powerful attack, he can resist a few waves.

So, it didn't take long, this special feature was already screened as a sieve, but this special feature is really hard, even if it does not fall, it still stands.

But is this OK? This kind of wide-ranging attack, the rumble of the rumbling, the special body was directly hit as fly ash, and no residue left.

"Mom's, go crazy with me, I thought that there are many nbs, chase me." Xiao Yu looked at these **** crusaders in a moment and was stunned by Chimera, but also some accidents.

He thought that since the other party dared to rush out to kill himself, there must be some cards, but I didn't expect to kill them all so quickly.

In fact, on the one hand, Xiao Yu underestimated the strength of Chimera, on the other hand, the general mind was too hot. Zanetti knows that this method will not work. Is Xiao Yu so good to assassinate?

His army, the strength is indeed very strong, if it is on the battlefield, this 10,000-year-old crusaders is even stronger than the ordinary 100,000 army, but he has to look at who is facing.

He is facing Xiao Yu of many arms. Xiao Yu's combat power can not be as simple as looking at the numbers. The combination of multiple arms will increase the strength of all soldiers.

Just like the Air Force, now this is Xiao Yu's most powerful chip and the most unstoppable existence.

Although those strong bows can pose certain threats to the Air Force, land-to-air will never be absolutely antagonistic. The real deal with the Air Force is air-to-air.

In the absence of the Air Force, Xiao Yu took control of the air superiority, so the overall confrontation has already fallen.

"The lord of the lord of the lord, now there are soldiers rushing out on all sides of Huicheng, but they are all within the control of our army. Only the eastern team is extremely powerful, and it is about to be killed." At this time, the scout ran quickly. Said.

"Rely, the old boy wants to run, telling them that the loud propaganda Zanetti has already ran. Now Huicheng is already ours, let them surrender, and quickly insert our flag on Huicheng, so that they The morale quickly collapsed. All heroes, all Air Forces, followed me to catch the Netty old boy."

Xiao Yu heard the scout saying so, and understood the current situation. Zanetti was prepared to let other people as cannon fodder, and then he fled.

But can Xiao Yu let him run?

Therefore, Xiao Yu tangled the Air Force and concentrated all the power of maneuvering to quickly intercept Zanetti.

"Xiao Yu, can I go with you?" At this time, Nikola on the side just woke up from the shock and said.

"No problem, go." Speaking, Xiao Yu gave Nikolai a horned beast.

Nikolay also had no nonsense, went directly to the horned beast, and chased along with Xiao Yu in the direction of Zanetti's escape.

Nikolay looked at the huge Chimera next to him, his eyes sparkling and he didn't know what he was thinking. Originally, he has found some ways to deal with Xiao Yu Air Force, but now Xiao Yu has made so many Chimera, it is difficult for him to fight.

This is Chimera. Just the powerful firepower of Chimera’s collective breath-off attack, he can see clearly. In front of this kind of firepower, if it is to fight in front, the other party will definitely collapse in an instant.

Xiao Yu did not care about Nikola. He knew about his own Chimera arms. With Nikola’s intelligence system, even if he is not allowed to see him today, he will certainly know sooner or later.

What's more, Xiao Yu has a perfect response to how to use Chimera and these air forces, not afraid of others knowing.

Now, in a short time, Xiao Yu and Nikolay will not be right. If you want to really fight with Nikolay, you have to go through another one or two years. However, at that time, Xiao Yu estimated three of the four bases. The ranks are all out, and even if Nikola knows these Chimera, he is not afraid.

When the helicopter, the aircraft, the tank, and the Tauren came out, Nima, who else on the mainland can resist Xiao Yu?

Soon, Xiao Yu, they have already caught up with Zanetti where they are. Now, Zanetti is carrying out the quick breakout with the magicians and fighters.

Because their strength is extremely powerful, the speed of breakout is indeed very fast, and they have to break out.

Xiao Yu snorted in midair and said, "Hey, Zanetti, see where are you going?"

Zanetti looked up and was shocked. He didn't think of it. Xiao Yu chased it so quickly. He thought that with the special **** crusade, how can he resist it for a while, how Xiao Yu came over so quickly, and, where did Xiao Yu come from so many dragons?

Their first reaction was that Chimera was a dragon. Originally, Xiao Yu had a little dragon. They all knew it. Now, seeing these Chimera, they are preconceived, thinking that Xiao Yu is bringing back the entire dragon race.

This kind of fear makes them a little dumbfounded in a moment. After all, the dragon is such a thing on this continent that it is enough for anyone to be afraid.

Even if it is a dragon, it will make people see discoloration. Now there are a hundred dragons. What is the concept? They don’t have to resist at all, because resistance is useless.

This is like the time when the soldiers first saw the tank at the time of World War I, they surrendered directly, and there was no will to fight.


Just as they were blaspheming, the excitement of the Chimera had already been sprayed, and in a blink of an eye, many people were engulfed.

"Ah, fast dispersal, fast dispersal." Finally, Zanetti's reaction is still relatively fast, so that everyone can be dispersed immediately, so as not to be killed by a breath.

However, Chimera is really too much, even if they dodge, there is not much gap, those fighters are okay, one by one agile, dodge faster, but those magicians can be finished.

Originally, if they saw the Air Force in the past, they could also use the magic to counterattack, and they all had a lot of magic scrolls on them, which could also cause huge damage to Chimera.

But now they have no sense of resistance, just thinking about how to escape and blindly escape.


Chimera’s attack was bombarded with the main force, while the Batrider, the Griffin Knight, etc. were responsible for cleaning up the remaining enemies. Now, the soldiers who have no momentum, no formation, and no intention to fight are completely the targets of the Air Force.

Just kidding, they ran faster and could run the Air Force?

Thus, under the constant chase, these people led by Zanetti were gradually eliminated, less and less, and only Zanetti left with a few people running forward.

At this time, Zanetti had already understood that he had no way to escape, so he sighed, stopped the horse, turned and glared at Xiao Yu above the horned beast knight.

Xiao Yu saw Zanetti look at him, waved his hand, called the dragon, and jumped on the back of Xiaolong.

There is no momentum on riding a horned eagle. It is called a prestige when riding a dragon. So, Xiao Yu stands on the back of Xiaolong, holding the ashes of the counterfeit in his hand, and gently licking his long hair. , said: "You have no way to go, your surrender, lost to the greatest commander on this continent, you are not embarrassed."

At this time, Xiao Yu’s appearance is more than forced.

However, it is undeniable that Xiao Yu is riding on the dragon's back at this time. The t5 armor of the whole body, together with the ashes of the counterfeit, looks really heroic.

A well-known painter from Huicheng saw this scene, his heart was inexplicable, his mind was filled with inspiration, and he immediately painted a classic painting that was later handed down.

The name of this painting is called: Dragon Knight Reappearance, the great king of mankind.

At that time, from the point of view of the painter, the sun at this time was just above the head of Xiao Yu, the whole background looked magnificent, and the one hundred Chimera behind Xiao Yu was against it, which was simply the unspeakable look of nb.

Xiao Yu didn't know about it at this time, but now he just wants to force it down. After all, this battle has won, and the win is so happy.

He did not expect that the effect of Chimera actually reached this level, so that the other party did not know how to deal with it, all stupidly escaped, waiting to be chased by Chimera.

"Oh, yes, Xiao Yu, I have failed, but you don't care too early. Do you think that with your strength, can you really dominate this continent? There are many on this continent. What you don't know. Also, I might as well tell you, my master, now has a new ally, and when you are, you are waiting to die, haha..." Zanetti suddenly laughed. It’s like crazy.

Then, directly Zanetti pulled out the sword and slammed it on his neck.

With a bang, Zanetti fell.

Seeing that Zanetti had committed suicide, Xiao Yu snorted, but it felt a pity that this person, although failed, is also a hero.

"Thick burial." Xiao Yu said two words. Then, he flew to the top of Huicheng on the Xiaolong. Now, the top of Huicheng has been inserted with the banner of the Lion King, and Xiao Yu is flying again. In the circle, all the soldiers no longer have the will to resist, and all surrendered.

Thus, a war that lasted for three months ended in a short day, and Xiao Yu occupied the entire Weigong State at a very small price.

Since then, the territory of the Lion King has expanded again and has more prosperous cities, no longer just the kind of barren land.

Xiao Yu is preparing to build more cities between the Principality and the Lion King as a connection point. In this case, the Lion King and the Weigong State will be connected together. At that time, Xiao Yu really became the rule of this film. By.

After the occupation of the Weigong State, the first thing Xiao Yu did was to send people to publicize the public, so that the civilians of the Weigong Kingdom knew the policy of the Lion King, and the people of the Principality after Xiao Yu would be treated equally.

These propagandas are completely spared. This kind of thing is the most important thing in the early days of occupation. Otherwise, the people are panicked and it is easy to cause a lot of problems.

So, just a few days, the entire Weigong country was completely accepted by Xiao Yu. Some administrative officials, Xiao Yu did not change, let them continue to do, because Xiao Yu’s talents were originally Less, I can't find someone who wants to replace it.

It’s just that Xiao Yu gave them some education and told them that if they do things well, they will have rewards in the future. If they don’t do well, they will be severely punished.

These people have been very fortunate to be able to keep their positions. At this time, Xiao Yu exhorted them. They are sincere and fearful, and vowed to do their best to do their jobs.

As for the military commander, the senior general Xiao Yu was replaced. If some people want to continue to work for Xiao Yu, then they can join the army and slowly rise again.

Shu Chi and his father Li He, and were captured, Xiao Yu did not kill them, released them, but they were forbidden to be officials, because they began to betray the Weigong, such people can not be reused.

Even so, they are already very grateful to Dade, they think that Xiao Yu will definitely kill them.

Xiao Yu is also a member of the Huamu Li, and this kind of person should not be too careless. Now that you are the highest commander here, if you want to report it, you will be able to slap them.

Mu Huali is also very temperamental. Although he was concealed by Li He, he was rescued by Xiao Yu, but he got unexpected benefits, so he is not so much angry with Li He.

To put it bluntly, he would like to thank Li He. If it wasn't for Li He who had framed him, he wouldn't go to the Lion King, nor would he be in such a high position in the Lion King today.

In the lion collar, military power, Mu Huali and Longhui are the top leaders. The soldiers at the base can't command them, so they say that they are above one million people.

Now Xiao Yu is extremely trusting to him, and everything is let go. Let's do it now. Now the development of the Lion King is booming. I don't know how many times the future of the Weigong State is bright. How can he be upset?

Going back here again, Xiao Yu gave the house of the former Mujia to them again, and the family of the Mujia family returned to here again, and they were all happy.

Although they are also good at the Lion King, but after all, this is their home, and when they were leaving, they were extremely humiliating.

Come back now, it is the real return of home.

Muhuali was also very prestigious in the Weigong country, and he had virtue. Now that Muhuali is back, it is also very positive for stabilizing the situation in the Principality.

These things, Xiao Yu is too lazy to go to the thin tube, have taught the genus to get it, he just made a few requests, do not make mistakes in the big direction.

In the past, if a country defeated a shackle, many soldiers would become slaves, but Xiao Yu banned anyone from becoming a slave, and everyone was acquitted.

If you are willing to continue to be a soldier, you will enjoy the same treatment as the Lion King. If you don't want to, you can go home to be a civilian.

Xiao Yu’s series of German policies also made the people of the Weigong Kingdom grateful to Dade and felt much better than the previous rule.

These days, Xiao Yu has nothing to do with Nikolay's Gomoku. Xiao Yu is very smart in his mind. He rarely finds opponents in the next five games, but Nikolay is definitely a rare opponent.

The talent of this guy is definitely not under the rain. If Xiao Yu does not have a base, if he wants to participate in this hegemony, I am afraid it is not the opponent of this Nikola.

In the past few days, Xiao Yu and Nikolay have killed a faint, and the two have won each other, almost the same.

"It should be that I win a game." Nikolay said with his nose.

"Nonsense, obviously I win a game." Xiao Yu said without hesitation.

"Hey, I said, how can you be so unreasonable?"

"Crap, when did you see me telling me... Oh no, I don't care, I was supposed to win a game..."

Just when Xiao Yu and the two of them argued endlessly, someone suddenly rushed in and reported that: "The singer is the lord, the big thing is not good."

This person climbed with a roll of belt, the face was like earth, and the voice of the speech was trembling, as if something had happened.

"Rely, what happened, isn't my lion king city been killed?" Xiao Yu really can't think of anything that can make the scout nervous like this.


"That is what makes you nervous like this? Is it hard to fall down? Even if the sky falls down, I am still holding it, are you afraid of it?" Xiao Yu looked at this scout, it was not good, it was too Nothing is going on, even if it’s a big news, you can’t be scared like this.

"It’s not that the sky is going to fall down, but there is indeed something that may fall down at any time." The scout blinked in the eyes.

"I rely on, what is going on?" Xiao Yu really has some thoughts about what it is. Now, around Xiao Yu, there should be no big enemy.

Even if there is a strong enemy, as long as the base is still there, he is not afraid of anything.

"The lord of the lord, this is the case, just last night, I don't know where it is, I flew a city, now... now floating above the lion king city, this city is much bigger than the lion king city. If you want to collapse, you really have to annihilate the Lion King." In the end, the soldier finally stuttered and said it.

"I rely on, what do you say? Flying to a city? How can the city fly?" Xiao Yu secretly called this scout to the brain is not a problem.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. It was indeed a city, and it was very huge. It was still bursting with dead air, as if there were many dead creatures on it." The scout continued.

"I rely on." Hearing this scout, Xu Yu suddenly screamed and thought of a possibility.


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