MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 513 The past is gone

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Xiao Yu knows that there is only one possibility for a floating city, that is, the former Naxxramas.

However, now that Kel'Thuzad is already under his own hands, there will definitely be no more bosses in the world. So, what will be in this Naxxramas?

So, Xiao Yu immediately dropped the flag and took the flight mount back to the Lion King City. Nikolay naturally went with Xiao Yu. How can he miss this big event?

When Xiao Yu came to the Lion King City, a huge city was floating above the lion king city. The huge shadow shrouded and covered the entire Lion City. The people below have already shifted out. This floating city will kneel down.

"Nima's, how can this kind of thing happen to me?" Xiao Yu looked at the Naxxramas, and grinned. After taking a look, Xiao Yu recognized it. This is the Naxxramas.

Xiao Yu doesn't worry that it will fall. This guy has been floating for so long. How could it be so easy to fall down? Even if it falls, it won't happen to fall over the top of the Lion City. It shouldn't be so bad. .

If so, Xiao Yu does not have to fight for the world, this kind of bad luck, but also fight for what the world is.

Xiao Yu had a flying mount, so he flew up quickly and quickly, and explored around Naxxramas. The top of Naxxramas was covered with layers of dead air, and there was constant green liquid seepage. Come, then flow down, smelling extremely disgusting.

However, after Xiao Yu flew a large circle, he did not find where the entrance was. Obviously, Naxxramas is now closed.

Since it is now closed, then it must be open, but I don’t know the time to open it. If you can't open it, this Naxxramas will never fly for no reason.

So Xiao Yu flew down and landed on the wall, pacifying the people loudly and telling them that the city would never fall.

With the existence of Xiao Yu, these people are slowly reassuring. After all, Xiao Yu himself is standing on the head of the city. If Naxxramas really fell, Xiao Yu must be finished.

The most important thing is that through a long period of accumulation, Xiao Yu has already had a very high prestige in the Lion King City, and the people can believe Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu stood on the wall and observed Naxxramas. He found that Naxxramas was slowly moving and flew to the depths of the Ankara Mountains.

After more than an hour, Naxxramas has already left the top of the Lion City. After a while, it will be able to fly out completely.

When the people saw it here, their hearts were put down. They were really afraid that the Lion King City would be so ruined. Now, the Lion King City is their home. Xiao Yu is such a good lord, but it is very difficult to find, so the people hope to live in the Lion King for a long time.

After a few more hours, by the time of darkness, Naxxramas had completely left the city of Lion King, and everyone was relieved. However, Xiao Yu knows that since this Naxxramas is here, it will certainly not fly too far, and the tenth of the ** will stay nearby.

"What is this?" Nikolay stood by Xiao Yu and looked at the huge Naxxramas. His heart was also inexplicably inexplicable.

Xiao Yu faintly said: "You have not heard of the ancient city of the Scourge, there is a floating city called Naxxramas?"

"What? Naxxramas? The floating city?" Nikolay was shocked when he heard the name.

The name Naxxramas is also very loud in this world, and now the name is described as something incredible.

For example, some UFOs will be named Naxxramas.

Unexpectedly, today I actually saw this legendary thing.

"Yes, it is this thing. It seems that this continent is really going to be chaotic. Naxxramas has appeared." Xiao Yu felt a burst of emotion.

"What's inside this?" Nikolay looked at Naxxramas, his eyes flashing.

Xiao Yu Yang Tian hit a haha, said: "The undead, a powerful undead, while there are also a lot of baby inside, hey, a lot of baby."

Naxxramas is the most powerful copy of the Earth Age. There are many weapons inside, and the most famous one is the fallen Ashbringer.

Now, the ash messenger that Xiao Yu holds is a fake, but the real ash messenger is probably still inside. If that's the case, it's cool, the fallen ash messenger, the artifact of the year.

If you can get such an artifact, this life is not awkward.

"It seems that you will be here soon after the storm." Nikolay sighed.

"That is, for the things inside, surely everyone will be embarrassed, but who can get, but also look at luck." Xiao Yu grinned, pondering this fallen ashes messenger can never fall into the hands of others .

Xiao Yu was coveted for this sword for a long time.

At that time, Xiao Yu’s favorite weapon, the fallen Ashbringer, the Brotherhood’s Sword, and the Thunder’s Wrath.

The sword of the Brotherhood does not know where to go, not necessarily when it can be found out, not to mention the wind sword, the artifact is still difficult to say in this world.

Therefore, now the fallen ash messenger must get it.

In the evening, Xiao Yu went to explore again, but still did not find signs of Naxxramas opening.

So, Xiao Yu was too lazy to go to investigate in person, just to ask the subordinates to stare at it, and then continue to go to the Lion King to play chess with Nikolay.

Days, just like the passing of the day, the territory of the Weigong Kingdom has been almost digested, and the strength of the Lion King is truly growing.

Under the auspices of Scarlett and Mr. Xia Shan, the Lok Fu Chamber of Commerce has also begun to flourish and has opened branches in many places.

Moreover, because of Nikola's family imprint, the Chamber of Commerce is unimpeded in many places, and no one can stop it. Xiao Yu can't help but be lucky. Pulling Nikola down is completely correct. In this prestige, Xiao Yu and Nikola are totally incomparable.

The strength of the Nikolay family is one of the best in the whole continent. All the forces see the logo of the Nikola family and they will look at it with a high look.

During this time, Naxxramas had floated to a place in the Ankara Mountains, but there was still no sign of opening.

The news also spread throughout the mainland in the shortest possible time, and many forces rushed over to inquire about the news of this Naxxramas.

After all, this legendary thing must have many, many good things.

In just a few months, the Lion King was full of people everywhere, all kinds of hotels were full, and Xiao Yu built a lot of tents for these adventurers to live in, and still charged a very high cost.

Anyway, this piece is the site of Xiao Yu. Do you have the ability to stay here, if you dare to confront Xiao Yu? Just kidding, Xiao Yu is not afraid of such a force as the Kennedy family, will you be afraid of you?

If you have the ability, you will let the horse come over, and Xiao Yu will take it all.

After several fights, these adventurers have an understanding of Xiao Yu’s influence. Ma Wei, Grom, Bloodhoof, Tyrande and others are also known to adventurers.

Adventurers always like to pass on something from mouth to mouth. These ancient heroes, they have also heard of it, although the rumors outside say that these heroes are fake, it is Xiao Yu who came out to fool the world. However, the adventurers are not all fools, can they not be separated? They handed them a few times with Grom, and they naturally felt that they were strong.

Moreover, now the lion king of Xiao Yu is extremely prosperous, and all races are free to move around the city, even if it is a tourist, it is also very worthwhile.

Some adventurers are still unwilling to be a slave to the elves. They often risk to arrest the elves and want to sell them as slaves. For these people, Xiao Yu is unceremonious. No matter who they are, they all cut their heads and hang them on the city. .

Including those who have racial discrimination, Xiao Yu also punishes them all. The status of the goblins is very low, and they are often bullied by those adventurers. Xiao Yu has thus become a court to hear racial discrimination. Once it is confirmed that racial discrimination has occurred, it will be sentenced in court and severely punished.

At the beginning, everyone was very dissatisfied with this article, and a huge bao movement occurred. However, this bao movement was quickly suppressed, and there were countless deaths and injuries. No one dared to scream with Xiao Yu.

Now, they understand it. Xiao Yu is a scorpion. They are really uncomfortable. Xiao Yu really dares to do anything. Have the ability to come over and play Xiao Yu? Xiao Yu is really not afraid.

In this way, some of the rules of the Lion King were rumored by the adventurers, gradually forming the rules that everyone must abide by.

Everyone has come here, knowing that the honest point, even the sixth-order powerhouse, can be unscrupulous in all places, but in Xiao Yu, it is all honest.

Xiao Yu hasn't seen Aegwynn in the past few days. Although he occasionally came out several times, it was Lin Shuxue's soul to come to him. Lin Bixue’s face was always sorrowful, and Xiao Yu asked her not to say her, just silent tears.

Xiao Yu had no way at all, and all kinds of methods only gave Lin Xiaoxue a sneer.

When Naxxramas came, Aegwynn came out to see it once, but after reading it once, he didn't say anything more, and he continued to stay in her small courtyard.

It seems that Aegwynn is not concerned about everything now. When Xiao Yu saw this state of Aegwynn, his heart was also very uncomfortable, because he also felt that it seems that Aegwynn’s time is not much.

In any case, Aegwynn is a very kind person. Although he has nothing to do with him, there is not much maliciousness, especially Aegwynn is obviously very good for Lin Bixue. Xiao Yu estimates that Aegwynn is now handing over all the inheritance preparations to Lin Bixue, so that she can die with peace of mind.

Although I am very happy that Lin Shuxue can have the power of Aegwynn, Xiao Yu is saddened by Aegwynn’s coming away.

The guardian who used to be on the mainland, the woman who fought with the devil, the greatest magician, the mother who was willing to give everything for the child, the legend that once counted... It must have disappeared.

Once, Aegwynn was a character that Xiao Yu liked. The real meeting is this.

On the other side of Yunmeng, Xiao Yu has sent Qin Che more supplies, so that he can fight better, and Xiao Yu also sent tens of thousands of soldiers to Yunmeng to fight, aiming to train.

Although these soldiers have experienced a war that captured the Principality of the Principality, this war is really no exercise, mainly because of the wisdom of Xiao Yu and the surprise of Chimera.

Therefore, those young soldiers still need to exercise. For Mu Lingtian, the son of Mu Huali, Xiao Yu also gave a lot of training.

After all, it is the son of Mu Huali, and Mu Huali is loyal to Xiao Yu. His son, even if he enjoys Yu Yin, should also receive some care.

This time, the commander who went to Yunmeng to lead the army was Mu Lingtian.

After a few days, Xiao Yu was chatting with Nikola on the head of the city of Lion King, and suddenly the whole world suddenly stopped quietly, as if everyone’s ears were all at once. Deaf, the world has suddenly changed dramatically.

At this moment, the sun was faintly dim, not because of the obscuration of dark clouds, but suddenly it suddenly dimmed, and the whole world was gray.

A strange atmosphere, shrouded in the entire Lion King City, and then the entire Lion King, full of heaven, seems to be filled with something, has been filled into everyone's heart.

Everyone feels unusual, it is unusual, no one knows, but everyone feels like, the world suddenly lacks something.

It’s like the moon is suddenly gone, or the sun suddenly has no general feeling. Although the sun is still there, the moon should rise at night, but everyone feels that the world seems to be incomplete.

"She... really gone." Xiao Yu stood up silently, and the two lines of tears rolled down.

Nikolay is not clear, but his heart is also filled with this kind of emotion, and a boundless grief is filled.

The sky quickly began to rain, and it seemed to be telling what the whole world was, quiet and strange, quiet and scary, quiet and suffocating.

The entire Lion King’s collar has almost lost its voice at this moment. Both the Lion King and those outside adventurers have lost their voice at this moment. They don't know why, just this moment, they have a strong emotion that hangs over themselves and it is difficult to speak.

Xiao Yuzhan moved to the small courtyard where Aegwynn was located. At this time, this small courtyard was covered with a soft light. It was not the kind of magical light, but an extremely soft, as if it were Milk is generally shiny.

Lin Shuxue walked out slowly from the hut and saw Xiao Yu. He suddenly rushed over and screamed.

Xiao Yu patted Lin Shuxue’s shoulder, but also burst into tears. He wanted to say something, but he always had to choke.

When Aegwynn left, he walked so quietly, a great man who once made a world tremble. The gods that were once invincible in the eyes of all human beings have left.

Although Aegwynn has no substantial form, her entire soul has already infiltrated into this small courtyard, and it has already been immersed in the grass and trees here.

Higgins didn't know when he stood behind Xiao Yu, this alchemy madman, nothing can disturb him, even if Xiao Yu used to slam, he would never open.

But at this time, Higgins put down half of the test in his hand, letting the magic explosions open, and the need to blow himself up, I still don't know.

"Higgins, build a statue of Aegwynn here." Xiao Yu said softly.

"Yes." Higgins didn't say much, turned and left. It didn't take long for Higgins to come back with a lot of materials, so Higgins started busy here and started to A combination of precious materials to build the most perfect statue of his life.

Xiao Yu also took out some of the treasured materials for use by Higgins. As long as Higgins needed, no matter what, Xiao Yu did not hesitate, he just wanted to build a perfect statue for Aegwynn.

"I need something to talk to, I sent people." Nikolay stood on one side and said slowly. Higgins nodded and looked at the material. He didn't say anything. He gave Nikola a list. Xiao Yu's materials, he basically had it, but there are some things he needs, and he wrote it unceremoniously. come out.

Nikolay did not look at it and handed it over to his men. He said: "No matter what means, the fastest speed will be sent. If not, give me a high price, no matter how much money."

From this moment on, Xiao Yu has been quietly standing in this small courtyard, wherever he goes, so he stands silently here, watching Higgins build this statue.

The heroes of all the bases also came outside the yard, standing and hanging down, bowing their heads and paying tribute to the greatest guardian on the continent.

I don't know when, there are more and more people outside the small courtyard. Many people are standing here, so they stand silently. No one speaks and mourns for the greatest guardian of the mainland.


The sound of a torn space rang softly, and a figure suddenly appeared. Xiao Yu didn't have to look at it, and he already felt it. It was the old man of Theodore.

Theodore took off his pointed magical hat and stood quietly in the yard, his mouth twitching slightly.

It was not long before, but it was a burst of space, and another white-haired old man came to the yard and looked at the glowing courtyard, taking off his hat and paying attention to his chest.

Xiao Yu was taken aback, the breath of this person is not much weaker than Theodore. It seems that this person is one of the three closest to the seventh order on the mainland.

After less than five minutes, there was a burst of space, and another person who had the same breath as Theodore, and who did not say hello, just came quietly and muttered. A spell cast a magical glow, guarding the soft light.

Then, the man retreated to the side, standing side by side with Theodore and the previous magician, the same silence.

Three days later, a huge statue stood up like a living, standing in the middle of the yard, with a faint glow, making it hard to tell the truth.

This statue can be said to use all the best materials on this continent. Even if it is the statue of Uther, the statue is not so precious.

After Higgins completed the statue, he vomited a slamming blood. In the past few days, he has really exhausted his efforts, just to build a perfect statue for Aegwynn.

"Master Higgins, you have worked hard." Xiao Yu as the master, took the arm of Higgins, but Higgins did not look at Xiao Yu, just looked at the statue and shook his head. "It's still a bit worse, it's still a little bit, although the shape is perfect, but it still lacks connotation."

"What is the connotation?" Xiao Yu looked at Higgins this way, but also very distressed.

"Magic, Aegwynn is the greatest magician, how can she not have the kind of top-notch magic, but unfortunately, I can't do it, I don't have that strength, I can't inject enough magic to achieve it. The ultimate perfection." Higgins said blankly.

"Take this to us." At this time, the second magician came out and saw Theodore and another magician.

Theodore two men nodded silently, did not say anything, began to recite curses. The magical symbols exude from their bodies. Although they are only the simplest magical prints, they contain powerful powers that are taboo. Everyone can't help but step back and can't fight this powerful magic.

The synergy of the three great magicians has completely exceeded the scope of the seventh-order magic. If this is a carelessness, the entire Lion City will be destroyed instantly.

However, the three great magicians did not have any scruples, and they tried their best to inject the magic of the whole body into the interior of the statue without hesitation.

So, it lasted for an hour, and the three magicians stopped. At this time, Aegwynn's statue violently exudes an extremely powerful atmosphere, as if it is a huge dragon, so that everyone can produce a cult, almost involuntarily to stumble.

"Become, the perfect work, become, the real Aegwynn, the immortal Aegwynn..." Higgins squatted on the ground, watching the statue that was infused with magic by the three great magicians, like a madman. Cry and laugh.

"The three masters have worked hard." Xiao Yu said, stepping forward and giving everyone a hundred bottles of the most advanced magical potion. This magical potion, Xiao Yu did not have much, but still does not hesitate. Give them a hundred bottles each to thank them for doing this.

The three men nodded silently and drank a few bottles of magical potions to restore the magic.

After a few hours, everyone looked at Aegwynn’s statue and began to slowly communicate.

"Tomorrow, use magic to send messages to all magic schools, tell all magicians, and mourn for Master Aegwynn," said Theodore.

"Yes, from now on, every day tomorrow, this day is the Magician Memorial Day, to commemorate the great Master Aegwynn." Another magician also echoed.

As a result, several great magicians jointly wrote a magical seal, stamped the chapter, and began to send it to all the magic schools, so that these magic schools would inform all the magicians on the mainland.

On this day, all the magicians must mourn in the direction of the Lion King. Everyone must use the magic to illuminate the sky and pay tribute to the great Aegwynn.

Xiao Yu nodded and began to set up a memorial service for Aegwynn tomorrow.

The next day, the entire lion king's collar was wrapped in black yarn, and all the cities were covered with black flags. Everyone went to the direction of the Lion King and greeted Aegwynn.

All the adventurers, on this day, also took turns to pay tribute to Aegwynn and dedicate flowers. On this day, Xiao Yu ordered all entertainment facilities to stop for three days, and especially those adventurers could eat and live for free without any charge.

On this day, the whole continent is a sad day. When the three magicians release the prayers about Aegwynn in the sky of the Lion King, the magicians of the whole continent can hear it. On the whole sky, The shadow of Aegwynn's statue emerges, and anyone who knows a little magic on the whole continent can see it.

This requires a huge amount of magic, but the three magicians did not have any reservations, and made such a seemingly farceful act of extreme waste of magic.

Even the three great magicians have lost their lives for ten years.

They are just to express their respect for Aegwynn, the greatest magician.

The sage is gone, but the name of Aegwynn is forever left on this continent, and no one can erase it.

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