MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 514 Taming circle

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A vast chase will come to an end, and Xiao Yu will not forget to bring the three great magicians to the main hall for entertainment.

You know, this is the three most powerful magicians on the mainland.

These three people can go to a place and they can cause an earthquake. Now they are gathered together in the Lion King. If it is not because of Aegwynn, it is absolutely impossible.

The grief of the people gradually converges, and the deceased has been paralyzed. It is enough for everyone to keep the homage to Aegwynn forever. In addition to Xiao Yu, Nikola naturally would not miss this opportunity at this time, and also followed the main hall.

Lin Pei Xue, who is from the same industry, is now completely inherited from Aegwynn. The three magicians present are not afraid of Lin Xiaoxue.

You know, this inheritance is really terrible. It is the thing of the real great magician. It is what they need most at this stage.

In addition, Xiao Yu did not let other people disturb again. Others are not qualified enough.

"Theodore, you are so old, you have got so many benefits, and you have shared it. Oh, this is too much." At this time, the magician who must be white and look extremely noble Said faintly.

"Hey, Chuck Lun, how can I say that I am alone? I have already told you about the situation here. It is Master Aegwynn who does not want to be disturbed by others, but I am not letting you come." "Theodore looked at this Chucklen, and suddenly squinted his eyes and looked extremely treacherous."

"Hey, you are lucky, you get the inheritance of Master Aegwynn, but now, Miss Lin, can you not monopolize yourself?" Chuck Lun looked at Lin Shuxue and said.

"Yes, now the inheritance of Master Aegwynn is in Miss Lin's body. This is not your own wealth. This should be the wealth of all the magicians in the mainland. Master Aegwynn is the guardian of the mainland, what she passed down. It is supposed to contribute to the entire continent." Another magician who seems to be extremely embarrassed and who is much lighter than Theodore is also attached.

"Hey, the two masters, you are not right, ah, snow is my wife, you have to call my wife's idea, I have to ask me first, right?" Xiao Yu immediately did not do it, these two How can a guy be like this, it seems that Lin Shuxue is regarded as a public property.

"Duke Xiao, don't misunderstand, we are not trying to force Miss Lin. She is the inheritor of Ai Wenwen, the new guardian of the mainland. How dare we disrespect her, we will do our best to help. She quickly merged these heritages into a generation of great magicians.” Chakron heard Xiao Yu say so, and explained immediately.

In fact, if you want to change to another person, to Chakron's identity, it is absolutely disdain to explain what, but now Lin Bingxue's status is not generally high.

Xiao Yu is Lin Yuxue’s fiance, and he brought Aegwynn back. These heavy identities have made Xiao Yu’s status in their eyes much higher.

"Helping the snow? Then you can help together. Why do you want to divide it like this? It seems that you want to divide the snow into several pieces?" Xiao Yu is not a fool, but not so fooled.

"The Duke of Xiao, this is the case. Although Miss Lin is the inheritor of Master Aegwynn, if we want to fully activate the power in her body, it is necessary to have a good teacher to guide. In the process of this guidance, we also I can get some understanding about the magic of Master Aegwynn, which is of great help to our strength. Now, Theodore is the teacher of Lin Bixue. If all of them are to guide Miss Lin, then we both Naturally, I lost such an opportunity to break our current position." The magician next to him spoke again.

"It turned out to be like this." Xiao Yu listened to what the magician said, and he immediately understood it. "You are Master Ferguson?"

For the name of Ferguson, Xiao Yu is also very familiar with it. After all, it is one of the three greatest magicians on the mainland.

"Yes, I am Ferguson, the head of the Royal Magician of the Tiens Dynasty." Ferguson nodded slightly and faced his identity.

Xiao Yu also heard that this Ferguson, who had been booked as a jazz for a long time, was a great magician who had been loyal to the Tiens dynasty. Many forces had once wooed him, but they all ended in failure.

It can be said that the reason why the Tiens Dynasty still exists, a large part of the reason is the existence of Ferguson. Otherwise, I am afraid that someone will overthrow the nominal rule of the Tiens Dynasty and establish his own dynasty.

A great magician like Theodore, who dares to ignore it, whoever made this bird, Ferguson used a curse spell, all of which gave you a flattening.

Therefore, it can be said that it was Ferguson who maintained the Tiens Dynasty, the building that was about to be overturned, and retained the last dignity of the royal family.

"If this is the case, then can I also make a small request?" Xiao Yu listened to Ferguson and immediately understood the meaning of both of them.

Because of Aegwynn's inheritance, the impact on them is really too big. It is the only opportunity for them to break through the seventh order. How can they let them go?

Because of Lin Bixue’s special identity, they did not dare to use strong, so this time, it can be said that they are asking for Xiao Yu and Lin Yuxue, and they are absolutely active.

This kind of opportunity, Xiao Yu naturally has to make good use of it, Theodore, a level of magician, if you just take out something, I am afraid I can make myself a big deal.

"This... What are your requirements?" Chuck Lun looked at Xiao Yu, and his feelings in the heart were not good. This Xiao Yu seems to be a vampire.

"Oh..." Xiao Yu, a thief, looked at some of his own conditions after a smirk.

After listening to it, Ferguson and Chucklen face green, but although they felt that Xiao Yu was very excessive, they did not dare to provoke Xiao Yu.

Now, whether they can break through to the seventh order, the opportunity is all in the hands of Lin Yuxue, it is not wise to offend Xiao Yu’s close relatives.

Who asked Lin Yuxue to be Xiao Yu’s wife.

Nikola is looking at the envy and hate on the side. I can’t wait to eat Xiao Yu. This Xiao Yu is too rude.

But there is no way. He does not have such a good wife as Lin Biaoxue. When he is also alive, there are things that he will never envy.

After a few hours, Ferguson and Chuck Lun were both iron-faced and Xiao Yu signed a series of humiliating agreements. Theodore was there with a thief laughing and watching the two men not playing one after another. Come here, I can't wait to beat Theodore.

However, Theodore had just laughed for a long time, and Xiao Yu shifted his goal to him. Theodore was so angry that he was so angry that he couldn't wait to give Xiao Yu a slap in the face. Ferguson and Chuck Lun were smiling and gloating.

After signing these agreements for them, Xiao Yu smiled and said: "There are some masters who need to be told in the future, even if they greet them, the small ones will do their best, and there will be no hidden treasures."

The three magicians looked at Xiao Yu, they were all gnashing their teeth. If it wasn't the Lion King, if it wasn't Xiao Yu, Lin Yuxue's fiancé, they had already hanged Xiao Yu.

Since they became famous, who dares to treat them like this?

Xiao Yu is definitely the first one.

After extorting a few old men, Xiao Yu left quickly, lest these old men see themselves angry, and finally gave themselves a meal.

It would be terrible for these old guys to launch a fire.

Xiao Yu was in a good mood, ran outside, sang songs, and looked at the glory of the lion king. Through such a blackmail, Xiao Yu basically eased from the death of Aegwynn, no longer so sad, wondering where to find some fun.

As a result, Xiao Yu walked and walked to the front of a room, which was specially made by Xiao Yu to hold some special people.

There are now two people in custody, one is the red-bearded Yin Keer who Xiao Yu got back from McGonagall, and the other is the succubus captured in the dark temple.

After the succubus was captured, he was kept in a box and placed in the middle of the baggage. When he arrived at the lion collar, he found that the succubus had not died yet. Instead, he was very curious and Xiao Yu was very curious. It was closed with Yin Keer.

Both of them are stunners, and they are the most suitable.

The charm of the succubus is that human beings can't stand it, so Xiao Yu doesn't dare to show it to other people. They are all squatting in, so now few people know that Xiao Yu still hides a succubus here. pet.

This time, Xiao Yu extorted some good things from Ferguson's several of them and prepared to use them on this succubus. One of these things is similar to Osielia's slave circle, which can be used to tame Warcraft as a pet.

When Xiao Yu got this thing, he immediately thought of the succubus. If he could tamer the succubus, then it would be cool.

There is such a pet, it is definitely not for a god.

This prison is specially set up by Xiao Yu for Higgins to hold some powerful people and prevent them from running out.

Xiao Yu brought countless best materials from the outside, so that Higgins did something like this. He didn't have much to say. He could only take time to do it.

Only Higgins’s enrollment of magic apprentices, now that Xiao Yu has already posted all the stickers, with the signature of Theodore, the enrollment of magic apprentices can be exceptionally smooth, just a few months of effort, Higgins There are hundreds of qualified magic apprentices under his men.

At the beginning, I didn’t see Theodore. They were still a bit unstable. But when I saw Xiao Yu, there were so many best materials to test, to improve the level of alchemy, plus Xiao Yu’s generous delivery. For magical equipment, these people are immediately reluctant to leave.

After this Aegwynn incident, the three magicians came together, and the lion's collar was even more prosperous. These people were killed and not gone.

Xiao Yu is ready to take this opportunity, and then go out and recruit some magicians to come over and get a magic school in his lion collar.

After all, this world is a magical world, with a large number of magicians, and it is vital to enhance the strength of the Lion King. Now Lin Shuxue is the inheritor of Aegwynn, but it is the best publicity material.

You know, this time in order to commemorate Aegwynn, the three magicians spent magic, let all the magic see the face of Aegwynn, and passed it all out.

To build a magic school with such a name is definitely not going to be profitable.

Thinking about these things for a year, Xiao Yu approached the prison. The key to the prison was in his own hands. He opened the door and went straight in.

Xiao Yu is not worried that both of them will injure and hurt, because Xiao Yu’s current strength is completely fearless, and there are still many magic weapons.

From the three magicians, Xiao Yu has searched for too many good things.

Seeing that Xiao Yu came in, the two women who were chatting together looked at him, but the eyes of the two people were completely different.

The succubus's gaze is with a very interesting look. It seems very strange to Xiao Yu, but Yin Keer sees Xiao Yu's gaze, but with endless hatred.

"I rely on, as for watching me like this? I have nothing to say about you, I have given you the virgin body of Laozi, you still want to squat?" Xiao Yu looked at Yin Keer, immediately A grin.

"Hey, you are a pervert, I will regret you sooner or later." Yin Keer said wickedly.

"My day, it seems that you have to bring a tamer circle. Otherwise, you will not obey." Xiao Yu got a few of these tamer circles from Ferguson, and he didn't think about it anyway. To tame what powerful Warcraft, now used to get two beautiful slaves, is also very good thing.

"What are you talking about? Do you dare?" Yin Keer heard the words of Xiao Yu, and suddenly became furious. She also knew that the thing of the animal circle, once worn, was really troublesome.

She did not expect that Xiao Yu actually had such a thing.

"Hey, are you afraid? Who will let you toast and not eat fine wine? Originally, this person is very kind. You are my first woman, so I don't want to hurt you. I want to leave you in the lion. Collar, but since you don't know how to lift, don't blame me." Xiao Yu smiled and walked toward Yin Keer step by step.

Yin Keer violently jumped up and rushed toward Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu smiled and suddenly did not fear, directly pulled out a magic scroll, suddenly turned into a fiery red rope in midair, all at once Wrapped Yin Keer.

Yin Keer screamed and wanted to get rid of it, but he couldn’t get rid of it.

"Oh, I wasted a good thing, but recently I just made a big fortune. This is a waste of things." Xiao Yu smiled and walked over to Yin Keer’s body. A small leather collar that looks very inconspicuous, and put it over to Yin Ke's neck.

Yin Kerer tried to struggle, but the long cable took her in, and she had no room for resistance. So, Xiao Yu was very smooth and put the collar on Yin Keer.

"Haha, it is, from now on, you are my pet. If you dare to resist, this collar will send a strong current, which will cause you tremendous suffering, haha..."

Xiao Yu smiled smugly. Although this tamer circle is not as easy to use as the slave circle, it can also let Yin Keer obey the post. As time goes by, he will listen to his own mercy.

This is the function of the animal circle. If you are a slave, Xiao Yu can directly command this slave completely. It is like Osielia, who can't control his body at all, completely controlled by Xiao Yu.

" bastard." Yin Keer was unleashed by Xiao Yu and commanded the cable. He suddenly rushed over to Xiao Yu. However, she had just had a little movement, and her body was immediately filled with a current. Her body immediately trembled, as if it was a dance, command, her whole body was tripped to the ground, and could not get up for a long time.

"This thing, but can tame the sixth-order Warcraft, now you want to be right with me, no good, succumb to it, my dear beauty..." Xiao Yu said with a big laugh, he felt that he was completely Huang Shiren, who robbed the women in the old society.

Sometimes, when you are a wicked person, this feeling is also very good.

Looking at Yin Keer was turned into that way, Xiao Yu did not pay attention to her for the time being, and turned to the succubus. Out of Xiao Yu's surprise, the succubus for Xiao Yu to wear her tamer circle, there is no slight resistance, but rather willingly.

Xiao Yu thought that the succubus had any tricks and was very cautious. However, when he put the tamer ring on the succubus, the succubus still had nothing wrong with it.

This made Xiao Yu an accident.

"Master, since then, the charm is your slave, what you need, even if you order, the charm must be the best, let the owner enjoy endless joy." The succubus claims to be charm, the eyes are full of charm With emotions, Xiao Yu’s lower body suddenly rose.

"Too **** temptation, it is a succubus." Xiao Yu took a deep breath and felt shocked at the thrilling beauty of the succubus that does not belong to this world.

"Master, do you want Charm to serve you now?" The succubus looked at Xiao Yu's rising lower body, and there was a desire in his eyes.

Xiao Yu was teased by the succubus at this time. It was completely yu fire. When he saw the succubus, he was so intolerable that he couldn’t help but lick his lips.

At this time, the succubus has been gently crawling over, to the front of Xiao Yu, gently help Xiao Yu untied the trousers, and then facing the arrogant thing is to explore the past.


Xiao Yu exclaimed, only feeling an endless sublimation, broke out from the body, this feeling, he seems to be almost to take the wind to go.

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