MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 536 The power of cursing magic

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"Mom, I don't know why these ancient gods are so ugly." Xiao Yu looked at the huge eyes in front of him, and his heart was relieved. Finally, he still arrived here, the last battle.

Yeah, killing this guy, the things here are over.

"Well, it is still the old rules. I have killed this guy. When there are good things to distribute according to work." Xiao Yu stood up again and said loudly.

After the last time of the Gemini Emperor, everyone has no opinion on Xiao Yu as the leader of this battle for Ahn'Qiraj.

The three magicians stood by Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu’s strength is also the strongest. It should be the leader, and Xiao Yu is fairly fair when it is distributed.

At this time, it is very difficult to find another very suitable leader.

Because there are a lot of powerful forces on the scene, who will serve who?


Just as Xiao Yu was looking at everyone with satisfaction and preparing to start the task, the eyes of Ksuen’s eyes screamed and released a violent light.

In fact, this giant python was not from the eyes, but broke out from under the ground. The entire cave was a tremor.

With this huge bang, Kesuen’s eyes burst into a strong light, and the fierce rushed toward the crowd.

"Nima, flash."

Xiao Yu shouted and immediately flashed aside.

And some people who don't have time to dodge, there is no **** left by this light.

"My day, I am too unreasonable, and this is open." Xiao Yu suddenly annoyed, this guy is too irritating, so come directly, suddenly kill so many people.

This ancient **** is too mean.

"Be careful, don't be swept by his light. The wizard can avoid it by teleporting. Once you are swept, even if you are a seventh-order master, you will still be finished."

Xiao Yu shouted loudly, and at the same time picked up the revenge of Kalimdor he had just acquired, and slammed it toward the big eyes.

"Nothing else to say, give me a call. There are a lot of tentacles around him. Be careful. Don't be caught in the melee to protect the remote. The rest of the strain is the most important thing to avoid his light."

Since it has already started, there is really not much to say. At this time, it is too late to say anything. Only fighting is the truth.

This big guy, it is not easy to fight, an ancient god, it is strange that there is no place to be powerful. The light of destruction at the beginning, no matter who it is, can not withstand it. But fortunately, this ruined light is not as comfortable as control, otherwise he will be invincible.

This light of destruction, there will be certain signs when he launches, and after the light of destruction is launched, it can only be swept according to a certain trajectory, and the speed is relatively slow.

Otherwise, a cut of three hundred and sixty degrees, everyone hangs directly.


With the yelling of Xiao Yu, the magic of the three magicians took the lead and exploded in the eyes of Kesuen, and set off a huge magical fireworks.

Already here, there is no need to keep anything.

I have just seen the extremely powerful light of destruction of Kesuen. They know that this Kusuen can pose a life and death threat to them. If they are not careful, they themselves may be killed by Kesuen.

After other people got the order of Xiao Yu, this time was also scared by the light of destruction. Because this light of destruction is too much reported, and all of them are directly killed by the spikes, and there is no residue left. This kind of horrible power makes them feel no resistance.

This absolute power is a shock for anyone, an extremely powerful shock.

"Don't be afraid, this guy looks very nb, but it's not as terrible as he imagined. His light of destruction is slow, and people who are not stupid will not be killed." At this time, Xiao Yu had to say a few whispers in a loud voice to inspire morale.


At this time, a lot of tentacles suddenly came out from the ground, and they were slammed against the people on all sides. Many people couldn’t respond, and they were directly drawn and hung in midair.

The ancient gods, it is not white, but some assassins and agile warriors can dodge the past, this tentacle is not completely invincible.

"Melee kills the tentacles, they are not so terrible, just need to block with the shield, and carry out a fire attack remotely." Xiao Yu shouted loudly.


At this time, Ke Suen once again made a roar, as if the underground magma had to be sprayed out, and the rumbling violently... The entire cave was shaken vigorously, as if the entire cave had collapsed.

Puff puff……

The tentacles under the huge eyes of Kesuen slammed a little and swept outside, and suddenly they swept many people to the sky.

"Attack, the attack is the king. The little tents are all destroyed in the first time. Otherwise, we will kill us. We can't let them grow. The powerful ones will hit the body of this guy. Only the body of it will be destroyed." Only then can he kill him." Xiao Yu shouted loudly and commanded everyone to kill.

In fact, since the beginning, the three magicians have already fired their firepower, and all the magic is slammed against the body of Kesuen, and the tremors are trembled. It is obvious that the attack of the three great magicians can cause some Damage, while others, the damage is very limited.

Kesuen's strength is too strong, and people below the sixth-order are basically difficult to cause substantial damage to Kesuen, but fortunately, there are many sixth-order presences that play a big role.

Xiao Yu brought his heroes, because he knows that killing such a big guy, the experience must be very rich, there is one count, as long as you kill, you can definitely upgrade the ranks.

In this case, Thrall and Uther can also reach the sixth stage.

Thrall and Uther seem to be auxiliary at this time. In fact, they are the biggest among the people. They run around, constantly applying blessings or illustrations, and they are busy.

Now, I can't control who it is. As long as I have the ability to attack Ke Suen, Uther has given a full set of blessings. Others who are fifth-order have also been blessed by him. Can improve at least double the strength.

It’s awkward. At this time, some people have suddenly had a quick lightning jump. In a blink of an eye, these people are directly turned into a pile of pus.

"Mom, the eye, if anyone is hit by that eye, immediately away from everyone, the more the lightning jumps, the greater the power, if it is only the first hit, it will not be much The injury." Xiao Yu immediately shouted loudly.

When I heard the snoring of Xiao Yu, everyone immediately began to pay attention, but after all, this kind of thing is not easy to dodge.

Some people do not take time to avoid, or the direction of avoidance is wrong, often killing many people.

"All the raptors Druid listened and saw who was hit by the eye, and immediately flew him out." Seeing everyone can't adapt to this method of avoiding the eye, Xiao Yu can only use Other ways to do it.

Indeed, with the hurricane of the Raptor Druid, this problem is much easier, just control the person to fly away, away from everyone will be fine.

"The person who is in the middle of the eye will stay in the same place, don't resist. Otherwise, if you are not blown away, you will kill everyone. If you kill other people, you will lose your money if you donate money for a while." Xiao Yu directly took out the principle of dividing money in the game before. If anyone makes a mistake, everyone will destroy the group. It is not worth the money.

I heard Xiao Yu say this, everyone immediately cooperated honestly, no longer dare to arbitrarily move, hit the eye and hit his own body, although very scared, but still no longer move, waiting to be The Raptor Druid gave it up.

"Give me a fight, give me a slap to continue playing, everyone cheers, just kill this guy, we can make a fortune, then everyone will eat spicy and spicy, to my lion collar, I will give you Free of customs duties, and you will be free to entertain you at that time." Xiao Yu directed the battle, but also lured everyone.

He knows that these people come here for the sake of profit. If they say something to protect the mainland, they will definitely not contribute, but they promise to give them benefits, and they are immediately motivated.

Sure enough, after hearing so many promises of Xiao Yu, they were suddenly full of spirit and screaming loudly, violently killing those small tentacles and helping the three masters to relieve their worries.

"Be careful, the light of destruction is coming again. Hurry and give me a flash. Just follow it. Just don't be swept by him. This light of destruction is very slow. If you are not a snail, he will definitely not catch up with you. But don't run around, otherwise, if you are beaten, it must be dead." Xiao Yu looked at Ksuen once again to get a light of destruction, and immediately shouted loudly.


At this time, in the eyes of Kesuen, another light of destruction was formed, forming a fan shape and advancing.

"My day, this is to be mutated, and I have created two light of destruction. Don't be afraid, although there is one more, the speed is still very slow. Just pay attention to it." Xiao Yu loudly reminded, He soon saw that the light of destruction was nothing more than a rule, suddenly coming out from here, or emerging from there, but the speed of advancement is still not very fast.

"Three masters, if you don't have time to dodge, use teleportation, this light of destruction is ineffective for teleportation." Xiao Yu loudly reminded the three masters, this time the main force, but the three masters.

The three masters nodded, one by one dignified, while dodging the light of destruction, while releasing some small magic to deal with the eyes of Kesuen.

"Theodore, use it, this guy is too powerful. If you don't use it, it's hard to really hurt it." At this time, Ferguson said to Theodore.

Theodore also nodded and said: "Yes, we are playing at the same time. He is actually recovering. I am afraid that there will be only cursing magic, which will really hurt it."

“Who is it first?” Chakron listened to the conversations of the two people. He also knew that at this time, it was necessary to use the magic of the curse. However, using the magic of the curse was very great for the magician himself. The injury, this time, who is the first to show, is also a problem.

"In the three of us, my oldest, let me come first, anyway, my old man can't live for a long time, oh..." Theodore heard it, smiled and watched the light of destruction disappear. Knowing that the time had come, I immediately stood in a favorable position, and then took out a prepared magic scroll and began to recite the spell.

"Everyone protects the Theodore Master and wins time for Theodore Master." Xiao Yu saw this and knew that it was a crucial moment, and immediately shouted loudly.

At this time, Kesuen naturally knew that Theodore was preparing something very terrible, so he had already extended a lot of tentacles and attacked Theodore.

However, Xiaolong, Grom and others, as well as some other sixth-order masters, including the squad, all rushed over to resist the attack of these tentacles for Theodore.

At the same time, Ferguson and Chuck Lun continued to use magical attacks elsewhere, restraining Kesuen.

The curse sounded, though not large, but it spread throughout every corner, and everyone felt the extremely strong magical fluctuations and the enormous energy contained in the entire cave.

Now, everyone feels that the airflow around them is flowing rapidly, as if they are all at the bottom of a rushing river.

Although there is a magic scroll, but Theodore still spends a few minutes to prepare this curse magic.

Seeing that Theodore's magic was about to be released, Chakron shouted loudly: "Everyone is going backwards, away from Kesuen."

When I heard the call of Chuck Lun, how could everyone not understand, this is to release the curse magic, so one by one, the speed of the back, has been attached to the side of the cave.

At this time, Kesuen’s tentacles stretched even more, and he wanted to kill Theodore. However, Theodore's magic has already taken shape at this time.


A huge magic ball with a diameter of tens of meters jumped up like a giant cannonball. It fell from the sky and slammed straight toward Kesuen.

This loud noise made everyone feel that their ears were almost smashed. The white light made everyone feel almost blind.

"Mom, Laozi finally knows what it feels like to have an atomic bomb."

Xiao Yu directly fell to the ground and hugged his head. This feeling is really shocking. Everyone’s soul is shaking.

This magic is a monolithic curse magic. It is not the curse of the group attack. So the power is basically applied to Kesuen, but that's it. Everyone still feels a powerful energy. Come, give the body a burst of discomfort.

If this magic is hit on the body, what is the feeling, I am afraid that they will not feel at all, it will be directly smashed into slag.

Curse magic, it really is too tmdnb.

This white light lasted for ten seconds. When everyone opened his eyes again, he found that the huge eyes of Kesuen had been completely destroyed, leaving a huge pit on the scene.

"Rely, don't you, just such a magic, just kill Kesuen?" Xiao Yu was shocked, although the curse magic is very powerful, but it will not kill it at once. ?

In any case, Kesuen is also the **** of the ancients.

Just when Xiao Yu was in a state of sorrow, suddenly, a huge tentacles slammed out from under the ground, full of grinding discs, hundreds of meters long, just a glimpse, they gave people Go out for hundreds of meters.


Kesuen made a wrath of anger, apparently completely irritated. The magic of the curse was too strong, and directly ruined his upper body.

"Nima, the second stage, comrades, be careful, hurry to give me a tentacles, don't be merciful." Xiao Yu saw here, knowing that he could not wait, and immediately to contain these huge tentacles.

After Xiao Yu had just shouted, the huge eyes of Kesuen floated out again, but this time there were many bodies with him. The huge tentacles sticked out from under his eyes and then on the tentacles. There have also been many eyes, shooting a lot of light, causing great damage to everyone.

"Be careful, flash." The scene was a mess, and it was caught off guard by this Kesuen. A lot of casualties began to appear.

"Resist, all give me a hold, my mother, this guy is just a little more powerful. What's great, there are three masters here, you stayed for a while, the three masters put a few more magic spells. It’s easy to get rid of this guy.” Xiao Yu encourages everyone loudly. At this time, they must give hope to them.

Hearing the shouts of Xiao Yu, anyway, there are three masters here, which really gave them a sigh of relief. Just a Theodore magic of theodore, they completely shocked, but also increased the great confidence.

There is such a powerful magical attack, even if Kesuen is strong, if there are more than a few curses, it will definitely be finished.

They don't know how much loss they need to release a curse spell, and a magician can only release a curse spell for a while, and if it has been released, it will die long ago.

Now that Theodore has released a curse, at least one month later he will dare to release it again. Otherwise, it will definitely smash and die. This is also a constraint on powerful forces.

However, other people do not know this, in their view, the curse magic can also be casual.

As a result, the people worked together and began to attack these huge tentacles. The number of people is a big advantage, and the masters of them have played a big role in killing these huge tentacles.

With their help to contain, the pressure of the three masters is much smaller.

At this time, Ferguson has also begun to prepare for the curse of magic. At this time, there is nothing else to say, use the curse magic to smash it. If you don't use the curse, you can't kill Kesuen.

Then the spell sounded again.

Read The Duke's Passion