MTL - World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination-Chapter 537 Killing Kesuen

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At this time, the wrathful Ksuen is undoubtedly extremely powerful. Each of its tentacles is not worse than a strong sixth-order peak. Only one person can face a huge tentacity alone. People must go all out to be able to suppress these tentacles and create opportunities for Ferguson.

These huge tentacles, as well as the dangers, are constantly pressing against Ferguson, but at this time everyone is united in the city, and they are all resisting.

Ferguson's hand, in addition to holding a curse magic scroll, also holding a strange compass, with this compass, his spell speed is much faster, using only half the time of Theodore, It was already finished, a huge space crack, and it suddenly appeared on the heads of all people. Everyone suddenly felt a powerful sucking force, as if they were going to be sucked in by the crack in the space. general.

However, because Ferguson was in control, no one was sucked in, and Ferguson controlled the crack and slowly moved toward the position of the front Kesuen.

Kesuen clearly felt the power of this powerful space magic, made a roar, and countless tentacles stretched out, trying to kill Ferguson.

Looking at so many tentacles, Xiao Yu himself went into battle, took the revenge of Kalimdor, slashed and slashed a tentacle alone.

"My day, I am so nb now?" Xiao Yu was surprised, feeling horrible for his own strength.

Although his promotion to the sixth-order time is not very long, but you know, Xiao Yu's skills are piles of piles. He now adds many power points and skill points to the full, each skill is more than those heroes. Be much stronger.


Xiao Yu slashed again, and even broke a tentacles. At this time, Ferguson's space crack had already reached the sky above Kesuen. The crack gradually widened and became bigger, slowly swallowing the past toward Kesuen.


Kesuen made a painful roar, and the crack fell on him. It was twisted and twisted as if it had been cut by an extremely intense storm.

When the space crack disappeared, everyone found that the half of the body of Kesuen had been cut and the flesh and blood was blurred, almost no way.

"He hasn't been able to fully recover his strength, so my magic can work, Xiao Yu, immediately attacked him half of his body, lest he recover quickly." After Ferguson released the magic, his face was pale and told Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu nodded, let Kael'thas, Antonidas and Lin Bixue, plus a few powerful magicians of the Nicholas family, ran to the side, slamming the wounds caused by Ferguson just now, lest Kesuen recovered the wound.

"Cracon's brother, look at you." Ferguson gasped and looked at Chakron.

Now, he and Theodore have used the curse of magic, and you can only see Chakron's last blow.

Chakron smiled and took out a magic scroll. He said, "Do not worry, it has been seriously injured. I will use this magic scroll again. It will definitely be finished."


Ferguson saw the magic scroll in the hands of Chakron, and suddenly took a breath of cold, saying: "Do you have this magic scroll? Too abnormal, then I can rest assured, as long as I use this magic scroll, then what? The **** of the ancients must also be finished."

When Xiao Yu heard Ferguson say so, he immediately surprised him and said, "What magic scroll?"

Chakron smiled and said: "You will know it later. Now, help me hold it, I will start to use magic."

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "No problem."

It was just because of Ferguson’s magic that the strength of Kesuen was significantly reduced, not as good as it used to be. Even if it is the **** of the ancients, it is not immortal. Even the most nb Sargeras of the year, will not die?

Of course, not a complete death.

Even if it is not completely dead, at least it can be stopped for a while. Even this Kesuen, even if he is resurrected after 10,000 years? When someone else has to worry about it, you don't need Xiao Yu.

Kesuen is still dying, but on the one hand it was badly hurt by Ferguson’s fight. Now the wound is still being beaten by Kael'thas. On the other hand, now everyone else sees Kesuen immediately. The hope of dying, one by one, struggling to kill the enemy, blocking all kinds of tentacles, and making time for Chucklen.

For a time, it was difficult for Kesuen to effectively attack Chaklun.

This kind of battle has completely depended on the battle of the powerful magical attack power of the three great magicians. The test for others is not so big, just need to help hold it and give them time to release the curse.

Xiao Yu thought, fortunately, there are three great magicians here, otherwise, relying on their lethality, even if there are many sixth-order masters, but absolutely can not compete with Kesuen.

The strength of this guy is really too strong. Only this kind of curse magic can cause fatal damage to it.

This time, Chalklen’s time to recite a spell is longer than that of Theodore, because it is obvious that the power of this curse is even greater.

Now that Kesuen is seriously injured, then with such a curse magic, it is estimated that Kesuen will be finished, and everything will be over.

This is not a fair battle. The existence of the three great magicians can be said to be a kind of bug, which makes this trip to Ahn'Qiraj easier.

In fact, if you rely on Xiao Yu, even if you can capture this, or defeat Kesuen, it must be a very heavy price, and even everyone can give life.

Finally, Chakron's curse magic is ready, and the sky is already covered with a layer of fiery red clouds. Everyone feels a terrible temperament.

That's right, it's like this is not the magic that humans display, but God wants to punish these humans on the ground.

It’s too horrible. Everyone’s mind flashes this feeling. It seems that now they are a group of chickens facing the eagle in the sky, and they have no resistance at all.

It is as if they are naked standing in the open field, without any use, as if they are facing an endless storm on the boundless sea.


It seems to be thundering, and the dense red clouds begin to gather together to form a vortex of flames. In the center of the vortex of this flame, a huge black hole is formed.

When the black hole slowly opened, it was already on the head of Kesuen.

Kesuen looked at the red cloud and made a scream of horror. But at this time, everything was already late. I saw the red cloud falling from the sky and a huge pillar of fire, and instantly fell to Kesu. En body.

It's like a bunch of lasers, with the power of boundless destruction.


Everyone closed their eyes subconsciously for a moment, because the light was so strong that it was completely unobtrusive.

At this time, everyone seems to be a newborn baby, without any protection.

They have no doubt that if they are a little closer to the pillar of fire, they will be burned to ashes immediately.

The pillar of fire lasted for nearly a minute, and after a minute, the fire cloud collapsed, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye. Everyone felt as if the end of the sky was suddenly calmed down.

When people slowly opened their eyes and looked at the position of Kesuen in the middle of the cave, they found that there was only a huge pothole, and the stretched tentacles had already disappeared.

Quiet, completely quiet.

"My day, no, it’s not to fight directly. Rub, the body of Nassuen, but the money is not old or young." Xiao Yu quickly ran to the big pit, found dark, deep bottomless .

"No, it's really gone, hey, depressed." Xiao Yu was depressed here, and others just woke up from that shock.

This is really too abnormal.

Curse magic, this is the power of curse magic. They finally know why the three great magicians have such a position, such a magic, if it breaks out in a city, then a city can be destroyed instantly.

Too much.

"Grom, come over, get the rope, go look, the corpse of Kesuen is still not there. Such a good thing, can't be without it." Xiao Yu called Grom and let him go Have a look.

Gromton turned his eyes and gave him the hard work.

But there is no way. Who told him to be Xiao Yu’s men? So, after taking out a lot of ropes from the space ring, after a section of the rope was connected, Grom climbed down the rope. Above is the old cow lying there.

"Is it all right?" Xiao Yu asked.


"Is it all right?" After a while, Xiao Yu asked again.


"My day, continue to pick up the rope for me." Xiao Yu let the old cows continue to pick up the rope, do not know how many times to pick up, almost the survival of the space ring is completed.

"In the end? No longer there is no rope." Xiao Yu said loudly.

"In the end, but there is nothing below." Grom’s snoring came.

"My day, I suddenly lost it. It’s too reasonable. We are not busy with this?" Xiao Yu suddenly felt annoyed and let the old cow pull Grom.

"Everyone, I am really embarrassed. Just a master of Chaklun’s magic, even the Ksuen was blown up. Oh, I can’t help you. So there is no valuable baby. You can now go to the temple. Searching and searching everywhere, there have been countless human warriors here, leaving a lot of things, and the Zerg also collected a lot of jewels, I hope you can get some, don't come once." I am very sorry to say to everyone present.

Everyone heard this, it was also a little disappointing. After all, Kesuen’s body was definitely able to shoot a sky-high price.

"But, this time your heroic behavior will be recorded in the annals of history, praised by the people of later generations. When you are old, tell your children and grandchildren today's story, once participated in the killing of the ancient **** Ksuen, once It is a glorious thing to witness the great magic of the three great magicians. It is you who saved the continent. After you, everyone can wear a badge with a kesuen look on the chest. It is for you. The recognition is more glorious than the badge of killing the dragon. It is the glory that belongs to you only.

Xiao Yu said loudly, let all the people present on the scene boil, indeed, such a feat, self-involvement, it is already a huge gain.

In the popular on the mainland, what kind of monsters you killed, what kind of badges you can wear, this ssu's badge will be the glory of their lives.

"This kesuen badge will be produced by the Lion King. It uses a special alchemy process to guard against counterfeiting. Everyone can go to my lion to receive it for free."

Xiao Yu once again showed his generosity and bought people's hearts.


The adventurers on the scene shouted loudly for such a great fight.

"I don't want to say that now, the whole continent is in the face of an unprecedented huge disaster. Later, I will go to the north of Yunmeng to face a common enemy of mankind, the evil demon. Now, the devil has We are going to erode the entire continent. As a warrior on this continent, we have an obligation to fight for defending the mainland. No matter which power you choose to join, as long as it is against the devil, it is a hero. I hope that in this continent At the juncture, you can show your courage and prove your glory."

Xiao Yu’s face is very solemn and looks majestic.

Everyone listened to Xiao Yu’s words and whispered because they also heard about the unusual things in many places recently. The south side has now been completely occupied by the hunted orcs of Gul'dan, and countless human beings have been massacred.

In some other places, there are often things like demons that kill humans. At this time, it is really time for them to stand up.

At this time, Xiao Yu’s remarks were like the shouts of the common leaders of human beings, which made them feel sullen and felt that it was a great glory to fight behind such a hero.

"Well, I don't have much to say. You are here to continue to search for treasures. I am going to hunt down the demons. As long as we work together, our great people, in this world, will always be the most powerful existence." After saying this, he raised the revenge of Kalimdor in his hand and solemnly swept it on everyone's face. Then, the leader turned and left.

"A good and selfless hero, at this time, after killing the final demon, don't greedy the treasure, just leave, go hunting the demon, this is a real hero." Many people for Xiao Yu, Both have produced such an evaluation.

The three magicians naturally followed Xiao Yu. Surprisingly, Nikolay did not even look for any treasures, but left with them.

It was outside the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. It seemed that the Zerg also knew the death of Kesuen, so they panicked and fled, and there was no courage to fight.

As a result, the human side can clear up more smoothly and find various treasures.

At the Yunmeng station, Xiao Yu let everyone take a break, and then prepare to open tomorrow, to support Tuobahong.

During the break, Xiao Yu went to see the three masters and found that they were still mentally good, but because of the use of curb magic, the body was weak.

"Three masters, I will go to support Tuoyuhong tomorrow. You should not follow. You can go to my lion king to take care of it. Any materials there, you can use it at will, it is my three times." The master’s reward.” Xiao Yu looked at the three masters and said sincerely.

"What is this about you? Is it your own thing to defend the mainland? What do we need to thank you for the three shots?" Theodore heard Xiao Yu say so, and suddenly turned his eyes.

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "That is, that is, the three masters are the defenders of this continent."

"Cut, less flattering, don't come with us, hand over the eyes of Kesuen. That thing is too expensive. It doesn't have much use for you, but for us, it can be made into a very Powerful magical items can make a huge difference at the time," said Theodore.

"What is the eye of Cssuen?" Hearing Theodore said, Xiao Yu immediately pretended to be a very surprised look.

"I still wear garlic. Do you think we really don't know what you think? What is the character of Kesuen? It is the **** of the ancient times. If you think of a curse magic, you can completely destroy it. Do you not leave it? Hey, the **** of the ancients is so powerful that you can know it? The eyes of Kesuen are the location of all his strengths, not to mention the curse of magic, even if it is the heavenly punishment, it cannot be completely destroyed. "Theodore snorted and said."

"Rely, how are you so smart, leave me a little self-esteem?" Xiao Yu's mouth screamed.

The reason why he let Grom go down was to go to the body of Zuckern. At that time, everyone was scared by the curse of magic, and he did not expect that the body of Kesuen could really be preserved.

So, Xiao Yu took advantage of this effort, let Grom put the eyes of Kesuen into the space ring, and then came out pretending to say no, no one doubted.

However, how powerful the three great magicians are, how can they not know the joints, and how theodore does not understand Xiao Yu's character.

I didn’t get anything, but I also made badges for others. Xiao Yu is not like such a generous person.

"Okay, this time you have already got a lot of good things. This thing is too important for you, or don't hold it well. The so-called German does not match, there must be disaster." Theodore directly extended hand.

"Rely, you are really hypocritical. If you want to be directly guilty, killing Kesuen anyway, the greatest credit is yours. Can I still give it? Give me this one, oh..."

Although Xiao Yu was reluctant, he took out a fist-sized eye of Kesuen from the space ring and handed it to Theodore.

After Theodore took over, he felt the powerful power of the eyes of Kesuen and nodded slightly. "With this thing, in the crisis of the mainland, there can be a killer."

"Yes, the behind-the-scenes ambassador of that incident is certainly not so simple. It is certainly not so easy to kill him, but with the eyes of Kesuen, it is different." Chaklun also said.

"You are talking about the Lord's ambassador behind the dark forces?" Xiao Yu said.

"Well, yes, this thing, you need to work harder, investigate clearly, and then when it comes to dealing with him, we will naturally shoot." Theodore said.

Theodore knows that although the three of them are great magicians, the safety of the mainland cannot be solved by only three of them, and a large number of troops are needed.

Among them, Xiao Yu’s current power is undoubtedly the most appropriate. Xiao Yu, this person, is indeed the most suitable candidate.

All they need to do is to help Xiao Yu at that time. The magician is indispensable, but it can only be auxiliary and will not become the center.

What is really needed on this continent is a king.

The greatest king.

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