MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 8 Dajiang Geba U-turn East (7)

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Day and night alternated along the track of time.

The ancient city went up and down again between fiery red and gray black. . .

On the edge of Jiangning City, the order has become more and more chaotic, and large and small scale fights and fights erupted occasionally. Only the teams under the command of the Fair King "Long Xian" Fu Pingbo and the "Military Xian" Lin Jiaojiu are still trying to maintain the order. Order and drive out the fighters, but occasionally, even these law enforcement teams will encounter challenges in groups.

The inner circle of the city still maintains a certain degree of peace. The martial arts competition has entered the semi-finals, and the winners still hold banquets in the Golden Tower from time to time. The more powerful it is, the more it attracts the attention of the world. As far as the Jianghu people are concerned, being able to participate in such a grand event is nothing more than an honor. As for how to protect themselves in such a situation-the war has not yet come, so what is a little murder and street fighting?

That's what everyone said.

Of course, with regard to the progress of the Jiangning Conference of the five parties of the FAIR Party, more people are actually confused about what happened. The five great kings clashed with each other, and there was a lot of turmoil in the meeting, so the situation in the city became worse-this is a result that many people can accept more.

Even the forces from all over the world who are trying to bet on alliances, most of them regard the friction caused by the book club as an ordinary political game. When playing games on the stage, the audience will fight. When the negotiation is settled, all the conflicting parties will naturally die down. After all, the fair party, which was harmonious in the past, has been developing smoothly, and Jiang Ning's conference has created momentum for so long, so it won't really collapse because of some party's willfulness, right?

People participated in this fight either bewildered or fanatical...

Of course, on September 20, the news that King Fairness was about to show his cards spread throughout the city and had been brewing for a day. Everyone probably understood that things were about to enter a new stage.

After the end of the day's contest, the celebrations in the inner circle of the city and the conflicts and fighting in the outer circle became more and more intense. All kinds of hustle and bustle were like a carnival, and there were occasional calms until the early morning. The revenge seekers took advantage of this "final" chaos to go their own way, and several middle-level groups under the king's command also tried to show off their strength and muscles before the King of Fairness made a statement, hoping to give their superiors more in the formal negotiations. chips.

People came and went, screams and groans sounded, and gradually disappeared in the hustle and bustle, blood flowed, blood dried up... Under the bridge hole in front of the ruins of the Five Lakes Inn, the people hiding here also witnessed the farce after scene , Those figures appear from time to time, disappear from time to time, sometimes fall down in sight, some people fall off the stone bridge, and the bodies go away along the water...

When the sun came up, the city seemed calm for a while. After several days of chaos, the road above the embankment was full of rubbish. In the burned ruins on the other side of the embankment, some refugees built shacks and lived temporarily in poor conditions. Around the still formed courtyard, walls have been erected and barriers have been piled up, and there are people patrolling above at any time.

Chaotic voices came from far and near.


"Don't let them get away..."

"Kill them..."

very messy.

The early morning mist had just cleared away, and at this time the first ones running from the road were three figures with burdens on their backs and wounds on their bodies. Seven or eight gangsters were chasing behind, each of them armed with knives and guns, two of them planted the flag of "A Bi Yuan Tu" under the command of "Yan Luo Wang" behind them, shouting loudly like bandits.

Behind the houses next to the road, someone poked his head out from behind the fence, looking at this chaotic and ordinary scene. Among the huts in the ruins of Wuhu Inn, seeing the accident coming, several men with knives and guns also stood side by side beside the ruins, nervously watching the movement, and also protecting the weaker family members in the huts behind.


The three people who were chased were slightly injured, and one of them was dripping blood all the way. They ran and cried for help around them. But seeing the banner of "Abi Yuantu" in the rear, no one in the surrounding houses dared to stand out at this time, they just warned the other party not to come towards them. As for the chasers behind, they ran and shouted, but also Around a large number, from time to time, he showed a warning look, and even shouted: "What are you looking at!"

"Abi Yuantu's work—"

"Catch the rebels from the study club—"

By the bridge hole by the river, the little bald man climbed by the side of the road and also watched this scene. The three people carrying the package ran past, followed by the chasers who also shouted and shouted. He turned his head, and there was a fire burning by the river, and there was a smell of medicine.

The little monk said to his elder brother Long Aotian who was sitting by the fire: "Abi Yuantu is killing people again."

In the bridge hole, the two figures lying there seemed to be in a dying state. The body of the woman Yueniang twitched for a long time last night, and she hadn’t moved for a long time after she fainted. Going to sleep—his condition is only slightly better than Yueniang’s—lack of food, medicine, and long-term physical and mental exhaustion, the human consciousness has actually become hazy, and Ning Ji can’t tell whether his consciousness is awake or not from his breathing , he sat in front of the medicine jar, as if he stayed there.

"Amitabha." The little monk whispered, "I know why Master asked me to come here... This is also the appearance of sentient beings."

He used to grow up in Jin, and there was famine and war in Jin, and everyone even ate each other, but it was not as violent and chaotic as Jiang Ning's performance.

When he first came here, he even felt that there was hope here, and people wanted to have a good future, but the more this happened, the more intense the fighting among people became, and even most of the time, they behaved more inexplicably.

"I'm starting to hate it here."

After a while, the big brother "Long Aotian" at the bridge hole said something with disgust, and then said: "...they are back again."

The second half of his sentence refers to another thing. As soon as the words fell, two people came down from the river embankment, poked their heads and looked at the bridge hole. These were two of the previous chasers, and one of them had a flag on his back. They looked here, and then Turning his head to look at the small camp in the ruins on the other side of the road, he made sure that the two parties were not in the same group.

"Hey, there are two cubs here..."

"They actually have medicine..."

In troubled times, medicine is precious.

The two of them came here with their weapons in their hands, and looked at the two adults who were not moving under the bridge hole. They already had some concerns in their hearts. This looked like a family, and both adults were sick. Maybe they exchanged their last possessions for something. herbs.

"Hey, your parents..."

The man with the flag behind him spoke, and the older boy sat cross-legged by the side of the medicine jar with his chin resting on his shoulders, still not moving. The little bald man turned his back to the two of them and sighed: "Amitabha..." He reached out and picked up the stick on the ground .

"...they are sick..."

The two of them were talking while walking forward, the little monk stretched the long stick backwards, simply hit the lower abdomen of the person walking in front, retracted, and then pointed upward like lightning, knocking on the back of the man. On the Adam's apple of the person who planted the flag behind him.



The two strikes were simple and fast, and there was hardly any time difference. Even the little monk didn't look at the enemy carefully. One of the two curled up on the ground with his hands on his stomach, the other fell on his back with his hands on his neck, and then rolled on the ground, neither of them could make any sound.

"Amitabha, I also think this place is a bit annoying, but the practice in the world may be like this..."

He put the stick aside and sat down bored.

The two figures rolled on the tidal flat behind them for a while, and gradually bowed their heads. Someone began to cry out in pain, and someone coughed hard. At this time, several other pursuers came back, and some of them stood by the river embankment On the way, someone came down from above and looked at the scene under the bridge hole, wondering and uncertain.



"What, what...what's the matter..."

"We are Abi Yuantu under King Yama's command, what, who did it..."

The two people on the ground were helped up by their companions. The flag bearer who was hit by his Adam's apple stretched out his hand and pointed down the bridge hole in fear. The other person was able to speak: "The idea is tricky... small, be careful..."

The boy by the medicine jar lowered his hand on his chin.

"This is my hometown, my mother's favorite place...they **** on my heart."

After Ning Ji said this, he turned his gaze to the people here, then stood up, and walked towards this side with an indifferent expression. He was not tall, and he didn't see any weapons, but his steps were calm and not like ordinary people.

Several people above and below the embankment were terrified and looked at each other, and many people looked around vigilantly. Then, another person with a flag on the side of the road on the embankment turned solemn, and when he came, Looking in the direction, he waved his hand.

"Let's go, let's, we're just arresting traitors..." He said, "No, don't disturb the people..."

The rest of the people quickly supported the two wounded and climbed up from under the embankment.

The boy who came over blinked his eyes, a little surprised, but then looked at these people indifferently, watching them climb up the street and run away one after another.

It's not the first time I've encountered something similar here for a few days in a row. The two teenagers have already beaten many people and scared them away a few times. At this time, the trouble is temporarily resolved, but the mood may not be good . Ning Ji walked back to the bridge hole, looking down at Yue Niang who was breathing weakly. The little monk sat cross-legged, bowing his head and counting his toes.

"I heard that something happened to that villain named Tian Slayer, so the people on King Yama's side are very angry, and they are going to fight again today..."

"If something goes wrong, they will fight randomly." Ning Ji said.

After his words were finished, Yueniang's body on the ground suddenly moved slightly. Her hands moved, and then her body twitched and shook a few times. There was an "uh—" sound in her throat, and her eyes were opened. It opened, showing a weak and painful look.

Ning Ji knelt down and quickly checked her problems, but in fact, what he had received in the past was mostly the medical knowledge of first aid on the battlefield, and he saw the most about serious injuries and dying, and about Yueniang who was tortured by weakness and illness for a long time and was almost exhausted. Dry people actually don't have much experience, and now they are just forcing their lives.

Hearing this movement, Xue Jin, who was curled up on the ground, also woke up. He hurriedly crawled over, trying to help.

There was a flurry of activity under the bridge hole, and after a while, Ning Ji sucked out a mouthful of phlegm from Yueniang's throat, and only then saved her from the brink of death. When Xue Jin was holding her and sitting there, the skinny woman looked at him with wide eyes, her eyes were big, maybe she came back from the brink of death, her face flushed slightly, and she breathed His expression didn't seem so painful anymore.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Xue Jin, her gaze was like a baby's. After a while, she shook her head slightly in Xue Jin's arms. She opened her eyes again, and this time she slowly looked at the scene outside the bridge hole. After these days of chaos, looking out of the bridge hole, first there are a few dilapidated weeds and black river water with silt floating, above the river embankment, a black city weighs heavily on the land, and a column of smoke rises , It also looks like a piece of burning garbage.

Xue Jin was crying, and after a while he was about to kowtow again, but Ning Ji stopped him. He said, "I'm going out to find medicine."

The little bald head sent him out from under the bridge.

"I'm going to find Baby Shit." He said to the little bald head, "Let's see if their family is doing well."

"Aren't you looking for medicine?"

" more medicine."

The city has been in chaos for the past few days, and the medical materials in the nearby medical center have long been exhausted. Even the doctors were killed in the chaos. Now if you want to grab the medicine, you have to go to the barracks. More importantly, Ning Ji no longer knows what medicine to use.

He left a few slices of old ginseng for the little bald head.

"...Amitabha." The little bald head was silent for a moment, then whispered, "I heard they have a meeting today."

"...the memorial service is also a meeting."

Ning Ji frowned, and answered in a wrong way.

"...A few days ago, brother, you asked me to investigate the news. Now I have verified a few pieces... As for the new army under Shen Ling, it seems that it is likely to be in Jingjiang... It seems that the King of Fairness has been deliberate. plan..."

The sun has risen a lot, and the big mansion in Jiangning City is crowded with people. When the deputy and Meng Zhutao in the "Resentment Meeting" went to a hidden corner, they briefly reported something in a very soft voice, and then Give him the note with the message on it for confirmation.

Meng Zhuotao put the note into his sleeve.

When I turned around, many people had already gathered in this courtyard, "Tian Dao" Tan Zheng, "Jackdaw" Chen Juefang, "Wu Ba" Gao Huiyun, "Wu Luo Zhan" Tang Qinghua, "Tuohe Sanren" Xu Long Biao and others have arrived, and there are also various middle and high-level personnel.

Xu Longbiao and the others greeted him: "Lao Meng, come here... He Wen said he wants to be honest and stop playing tricks. What do you think he wants?"

"As long as there is something to talk about, it's a good thing. I'm afraid he will hide and play charades."

Meng Zhutao chatted with everyone for a while with a smile.

After a while, the figure of "Runner King" Xu Zhaonan appeared in the courtyard, and everyone greeted him with clasped fists. When entering the lobby of this courtyard, Meng Zhuotao just pushed aside the crowd and walked over.

There were four figures following Xu Zhaonan, all armed, and when they saw Meng Zhuotao approaching, they all smiled and stepped aside.

"Mr. Xu, I have some news to share in private."

"Okay, go to the side hall."

Xu Zhaonan nodded, and went in first, Meng Zhuotao and the other four guards followed, after they all entered the room, Xu Zhaonan and Meng Zhuotao walked aside, but also smiled and nodded to the four guards not far away. Point: "We all know each other, it doesn't matter, just tell me."

Meng Zhuotao nodded, and took out the information from his sleeve: "The news just reported that Shen Ling's people are probably in Jingjiang. This new army has been training for a while, and its combat strength is hard to say. If it is true, why not?" Wen went crazy, and he was also prepared."

Xu Zhaonan took a look at it, frowned, and then said: "It's similar to the news from my side... It's not surprising that he Wen can come to this day, and he is not a three-year-old child. Even the gangsters below us know how long before the negotiation. It takes a few battles to gain leverage, if he doesn't have a knife in his hand, who will listen to his twittering."

"My Tang Rui group is rushing to Taihu Lake. I will issue an urgent order to transfer them to the vicinity of Jiangyin to help defend."

"Well, good job." Xu Zhaonan patted Meng Tao's shoulder.

"Xu Gong, tell me, what will He Wen say today?"

"It doesn't matter what he says, the soldiers will come and cover it up, as long as he is willing to talk and talk, we can always find a way... It won't be so that if he says it, it will be forgotten, right?"

"...I don't think it's that simple."

"Jane is not simple, and it can only be like this." Xu Zhaonan took a breath, and then let out a long breath, "Anyway... so what if he is prepared, stationing troops in Jingjiang and Taihu Lake, if you really want to fight, why wait until today, The sudden attack ten days ago, or the sudden attack two months ago, everyone was unprepared, of course he can take advantage of it for a while. But to put it bluntly, four strikes one...everyone tells him to slash, and he is the one who dies."

Meng Zhutao nodded.

The two walked out from the side hall.

The yard became more and more lively.

At that time, the meeting was held and everyone entered the venue.

The main venue of the fair party conference is set in the most spacious square in the Jiangnan compound. In order to hold this meeting, everyone built a huge canopy above the courtyard square, and rows of tables and chairs are here. A large circle was formed in the spacious space, and the five great kings headed by He Wen sat at the five core wooden tables, and the middle and high-level personnel belonging to each party were distributed behind them. Representatives of emerging groups such as , etc. are mixed.

The meeting held every two days has reached the eleventh meeting on September 21st. The first few times were held smoothly, but when Baofeng picked out the reason for the book club, the whole conference fell into a stalemate. Several kings had not attended several times, and the middle and high-level members were allowed to come every two days. Here comes a scolding.

Today He Wen returned to the venue, so Xu Zhaonan, Shi Baofeng, Gao Chang, and Zhou Shang also arrived. The venue turned into five distinct parties, and the atmosphere was fighting. The few representatives of small forces could only hide behind and watch quietly.

After a few polite greetings, He Wen, who was dressed in a gray robe, asked to put down a lot of materials, and then began to speak.

"...Since the convening of the fair party conference, I have raised several questions, which are difficult problems that we must solve at this conference. These days, brothers have discussed these issues a lot, and some people have asked me, specifically What kind of idea is it? Today, I will explain all my ideas clearly to everyone."

He Wen picked up a notebook, slapped it on the table, then pushed the notebook away, and reached out to move over a large pile of recording materials next to it.

"But before I talk about the idea of ​​solving it, I want to talk to you carefully about the problems that have occurred in our Fair Party...abuse of power, random massacres, banditry, brother-in-law, robbery of civilian women, artful names, corruption and embezzlement ... Piece after piece, this is part of the various bad deeds of our fair party that I have investigated and collected since the uprising last year!"

He Wen's finger clicked on the pile of materials: "I'll read it to you one by one, and then we'll see how to solve him."

Among the crowd, some people tilted their heads, some people frowned, and Zhou Shang applauded: "Okay—"

Then some people applauded: "Fairness is king!"

He Wen turned to the first page calmly: "Most of our problems must be caused by the fight against local tyrants to divide the land. Last August, after the battle in Haiyu County, Changshu, people had a good attitude and were willing to Hand over all the things, we kill the whole family, all the women in the other party's family are killed, and the men are tortured to death, the specific process is like this..."

He Wen pointed to Xu Zhaonan, and Xu Zhaonan gave a thumbs up: "It's a good thing that King Fairness is willing to speak out about our problems!"

Immediately after the venue, there was applause again. He Wen looked over there. He didn't wait for the applause to stop, and calmly began to make a statement according to the records in the information.

Naturally, there is a round of basic regulations for the fair party to fight against the local tyrants to divide the land. For example, accidental injuries are inevitable during wars, or accidental injuries often occur in the first round of house raids. This is not difficult to understand, but in the first round of house raids Afterwards, since the other party admitted to beating and accepting punishment, there must be a crime in order to deal with the criminal. This is the most basic bottom line, but in terms of actual operation, there are naturally outrageous practices everywhere.

The incident that occurred in Haiyu County in August last year is just one of many incidents. The first round of house raids actually killed many landlords, but the soldiers in the past were not satisfied. Two days later, the family property will be seized again But for the time being, all the landlords who have not been driven out of the yard have been brutally murdered... This is something that can't be said on the face of it anyway. After all, even Zhou Shang, who is easy to kill, would organize "Bai Luosha" framed and then used the excuse of excitement to kill people all over the house.

But this kind of thing is not an isolated case. Unrestricted refugees from all sides can do anything in private—or in other words, especially after they have the name of "fairness", people who are not restrained will be more enthusiastic about it. do this kind of thing.

He Wen sat there, reading the collected cases one by one.

Occasionally someone applauded, and occasionally someone tried to interrupt, but He Wen was unmoved and continued to read.

The atmosphere in the venue became boring, Xu Zhaonan and the others sat there, but started laughing instead. Everyone knows the situation of all parties in the Fair Party. In other words, in the stage of large-scale incitement and disorderly expansion of refugees, these problems will inevitably arise. How easy is it to go to the other party's house to rob things and kill the whole family? Breaking through a town, the supervision force is not enough, how normal is it to find a few women to play with? It is wrong to say that it is wrong, but with such rapid expansion, who can control these things?

What's more, everyone is sitting here today, isn't it just to control these things? As for who is responsible for these things—that is all excusable, and it will be better to correct it in the future.

When He Wen read aloud, everyone applauded first, then listened, and then some people started to yawn. The time gradually passed in the boring process of reading one case after another. At noon, He Wen closed the file and announced the temporary adjournment of the meeting. Everyone had lunch in each side's courtyard, discussed for a while, and when the afternoon meeting started, He Wen could be heard chattering and reading the case file again.

When the time was running out, He Wencai slowly closed the materials that he hadn't finished reading. He took a sip of water and let out a long breath of relief.

Everyone applauded again.

He Wen waited for their applause to finish, and he took out the original notebook.

"...Over the past two years, there have been many problems in the FAIR Party. I can't count them all, and I can't read them all...But according to these problems, at this FAIR Party Congress, I hope that we can make these changes as soon as possible... First of all, the first item, we need more detailed laws and principles, among these principles, some of the most critical points, I think, are like this..."

Xu Zhaonan and the others sat up in a panic, but afterward, He Wen only heard another long and stinky nonsense, such as the regulations on the steps of confiscating a house, such as no indiscriminate killing, no seeking personal revenge with public weapons... These things were originally what everyone was talking about Even Zhou Shang supported these provisions.

"...The second item, if you know your mistake, correct it... Can we take some action immediately..."

Since then, there have been various ideas and proposals that seem to be meticulous, such as "establishing a supervisory office", "establishing a voting mechanism", "decision-making orders and prohibitions", and "establishing a new law enforcement team".

The crowd applauded intermittently, Xu Zhaonan, Shi Baofeng, Zhou Shang and others occasionally applauded loudly, but their eyes became a little confused.

After more than half of the application period, He Wen gave a general introduction to the innovative ideas of each piece in one breath. After a brief conclusion, the venue was full of confusion and whispering. I have also learned from the experience in the Southwest, but no matter what, if we really want to implement it, it depends on the will of people and those in power. Although everyone will not accept all of these things he throws out, but let's talk about it. There may not be anything that needs to be hidden.

The whispering voice was getting louder, and suddenly, Zhou Shang took the case.

"Well said! I agree with King Fairness!"

Zhou Shang waved his hand and shouted loudly. After a while, he looked around and spread his hands.

"I would like to add that my Zhoushang side is the fairest!"

Xu Zhaonan also laughed: "I basically agree with Fair King's idea, of course, there are a few of them, we can talk slowly."

A group of people expressed their opinions one after another, some with positive opinions and some with negative opinions. He Wen sat there watching the uproar going on for a long time, and he slowly started to slap the table, gradually quieting down the voices in the venue.

"...It seems that all brothers and comrades...all agree with my idea of ​​He Wen. It is impossible for our fair party not to reverse these problems on the table. It seems that everyone agrees. We must correct our mistakes. Orders and prohibitions must be enforced, we must have more detailed laws and regulations, and we must also have a stricter law enforcement and supervision system..."

"I agree with that statement."

"Can we talk, can we talk..."

"The text of the law, step by step..."

Everyone began to express their opinions one by one, while Xu Zhaonan and others sat there watching him. He Wen nodded.

"Okay. Now that everyone has promised to correct any mistakes, we can slowly push these provisions and discuss slowly how to organize these things... At the same time, when we were in a meeting, there was a Things are making a lot of noise, we have to stop it..."

He paused: "About those people in the so-called reading club, they are also full members of the Fair Party, they just read some books in the Southwest, discussing some things that have a way, and many of the things they discussed are the same as what I said …In the past few days, some of us hated them, arrested them, and wanted to kill them without interrogation. This was something that was absolutely not allowed to happen in the previous justice! See It is now agreed that this matter must stop immediately."

Xu Zhaonan looked at him: "I think it makes sense, we can discuss this matter, let everyone talk about how to do it..."

He Wen's palm dropped: "Since everyone says that this matter is wrong, and everyone admits that there is a mistake, we must correct it, so we must first stop this matter. I don't care if some of us have been arrested in the past few days. How many members of the study club, I request in the name of the King of Fairness, immediately release these innocent companions, our own brothers, and stop killing innocent people. For this matter, I have already arranged manpower, starting tomorrow, First of all, in Jiangning these things must never happen again, and from tomorrow onwards, there will be people in the city who will accept complaints and lawsuits for such wrong things. We will accept all unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, and these reckless people will be the enemies of my King of Fairness and the Party of Fairness!"

Gao Chang, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth, and his voice was strong: "Such a big matter, we have to discuss it."

He Wen spread his hands: "It's such a right thing, please support me! Let's start from the mistakes."

"Who is right and who is wrong, should you let the king of fairness decide alone?"

"The reading club is our own brother, of course we must stop killing our own brother immediately!" He Wen laughed, "Everyone said it just now, if there is a mistake, it will be corrected. I have drafted an order on this matter, no matter what , issued tomorrow, but anyone who doesn’t even recognize this matter. I, Wang Hewen, don’t even recognize him, and whoever doesn’t stop tomorrow is not a member of the Fair Party!”

He Wen pressed his hands on the table, and his voice echoed in the venue. He wasn't the strongest in the venue, but after all, the King of Fairness was furious with a fractious attitude. Except for the other kings, there was no one who could directly confront him for a while.

Xu Zhaonan sat there, frowning tightly, his eyes serious;

Gao Chang sat on a chair with his hands folded in front of his chest, expressionless;

Shi Baofeng's face twitched, the muscles on his face twitched, he seemed to want to laugh, but although he became fierce again later, he seemed to be unable to think clearly whether to make peace with Mui or to speak harshly.

Some people whispered carefully: "It can be discussed, it can be discussed..."


Someone laughed and raised his hand sharply.


The shadows turned into the sky, and countless pieces of paper flew up.

Zhou Shang was in the middle of the venue, turned towards He Wen, and overturned the table—

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