MTL - Zhui Xu-v6 Chapter 9 Dajiang Ge Ba U-Turn East (8)

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In the second year of Wu Zhenxing, September 21st, the day that determines the future of Jiangnan.

After He Wen, Zhou Shang and others left the venue, there were many quarrels. . .

But it doesn't matter anymore.

The application time was about to expire, and the time was approaching the evening. The semi-finals of the martial arts competition in the city should have stopped, and according to the scheduled plan, the semi-finals were determined. In the venue of the fair party meeting, some people overturned the tables and chairs during the quarrel, and some people threw papers into the fire and burned them. There was another column of smoke in the gray city.

In the courtyard waiting for the meeting, Meng Zhutao walked into the hall and saw Chen Juefang, Gao Huiyun, Tan Zheng, Xu Longbiao and others were already sitting there.

"King Fairness is crazy."

Chen Juefang spread his hands and said this conclusion.

Meng Zhuotao opened a seat and sat down. There were also people talking loudly in the yard, and more people remained silent.

Someone said: "He refuses to talk, prepare to fight."

Not many people expected that the King of Fairness would really refuse to talk about it.

The so-called five-party alliance, no matter what charter is finally negotiated, the important thing is that everyone agrees before taking action. As long as they are willing to talk, there is hope for the alliance.

He Wen threw out a whole set of reform plans, throwing out countless regulations that looked harsh but could be discussed in terms of implementation, but before discussing them, he asked the other four parties to immediately stop their actions on the book club.

Only this matter, he will implement it directly in the form of an order.

The other four families are now cracking down on the reading clubs. At this juncture, if King Pinggong said nothing, he would slap the other four families in the face at the same time. In addition to establishing a huge authority for him, the reading clubs will borrow the influence of the Southwest The momentum to seize power will also be supported and indulged.

More importantly, a compromise, if he becomes stronger again and again in the future, can everyone still compromise?

Zhou Shang overturned the table.

"'re completely insane."

At the back of the venue, in the study near a pond, the atmosphere gradually became quieter. After the hustle and bustle of the conference hall, He Wen, Gao Chang, Xu Zhaonan, Shi Baofeng, Zhou Shang and other five people came to this place again at the same time.

It was more like a private, last meeting...or a last fight.

"This world is crazy."

During Zhou Shang's accusations, He Wen, who was standing by the window, knocked on the window lattice, looking at the scenery outside and talking in a low voice.

"Is that the idea from the beginning?"


"This was the idea at the beginning of this meeting? You want someone to have the final say?"

"...Everyone knows the problem of the Fair Party. If it can't be solved, they will die anyway. Otherwise, they will die together, will die. What is there to choose?" He Wen's eyes were indifferent.

"I don't see much of a problem."

"People are better than you, your weakness is the problem."

"...who is weaker?"

"We are weak." He Wen spread out his hands, "In the whole of Jiangnan, there are tens of millions of people, looking at the flag of fairness on their heads, they are actually just a gang of gangsters, let them burn, kill and loot, they shouted Fair, swarm up, let them farm the land, will they go? Tell them not to kill indiscriminately, will they listen? Orders cannot be enforced, prohibitions cannot be stopped, and you will just show your prestige in front of Wu Qimei and Liu Guangshi. Jurchens come again, Dig your ancestral grave and kill your whole family."

The corners of Xu Zhaonan's eyes twitched: "Even if you know this...can't you talk about it?"

"How many times have we talked, do you listen?" He Wen smiled, "According to the current way of talking, everyone will send dozens of people from each side to form a conference. The five of us will form a presidium, fight slowly, and give each other The other party mixes sand and stumbling, I want to deal with a matter, you come to intervene, you want to deal with a person, I will stop... What kind of **** can we jointly produce? Orders and prohibitions, just this one request, if we can do it, we will do it Talk, can you do it? Tell you not to kill indiscriminately, don’t you also turn against me?”

"That's beautiful." Shi Baofeng was pouring tea at the side, "Then just tell me, King Fairness, why should everyone listen to you, why can't you listen to me? If the four of you listen to me, Wouldn't it be possible to order and prohibit it?"

Zhou Shang pointed to Shi Baofeng.

He Wen shook his head: "It's not about listening to anyone, it's about listening to the right one. Whoever can solve the problem should listen to him. The Southwest has something to say about these issues of the FAIR Party. Why don't you listen to it? What you care about is the power in your hands, and who you listen to Yes, even if it can solve the problem, as long as you don’t listen to you, you will not agree. None of you are like this.” He sat down on his seat: “Okay, I don’t need you, I will do it myself.”

"I'm not like this." Zhou Shang confessed, "My path is right. With all due respect, you are all idiots."

He Wen didn't bother to talk to him, and the others didn't answer, Shi Baofeng finished making tea, looked at the cup and smiled.

"No matter what, it's a gathering of heroes and heroes. Mr. He, if we don't talk properly today, we will start a fight when we go out. The whole world wants to see our jokes. To be honest, I am very sad."

"What kind of heroes are we?" He Wen smiled, "Ning Yi is a hero, Qin Yuyuan, Li Gang, and Zong Ze are heroes, Wanyan Aguda and Wanyan Zonghan are heroes, we are just a bunch of **** Bandits and bandits rose up in response to the situation, but they couldn't take root, so they would disperse sooner or later."

"...It's been like this for all dynasties."

"Ning Yi took a new path."

"Can he walk? He doesn't have the guts to say it himself."

"Taking the old road is not such a swarm."

"There is a discussion in the old way... He Wen, you always betrayed your relatives."

"...Look, who can tell who?"

There was a scent of tea in the room, and the people at the table looked at each other, their words became tired, but they all laughed. He Wen held the small cup of hot tea in his hand.

"I'm serious, can't you just let it go?" He said, "Southwest has already promised that it will support me to improve the fair party. Ning Yi is a lunatic. He is keen to see us make such improvements. , the attitude towards Jindi, towards Southeast, and even towards Dai Mengwei, you can all see it... Let go of the power in your hands, and stop managing the kind of loose sand in your hands. We have caused the scourge of Jiangnan enough, do How about a real career?"

He paused: "Nod your heads, I will bring people from the Huaxia Army to meet you."

Gao Chang tilted his head: "If you are so sincere, why didn't you bring someone to see us first."

He Wendao: "If you want to do difficult things, you must always have the determination to take risks."

Xu Zhaonan said: "We let go of power and go under you, and then we will let you slaughter us. If you were me, what would you do?"

He Wen looked at him: "So I don't want to talk about it anymore... But, Mr. Xu, let's treat it as a promise for the future. If one day, you suddenly want to do something good, think about it?"

"Can't I do it myself?" Xu Zhaonan smiled.

Shi Baofeng drank the tea in his hand over there: "My son broke a hand, He Wen, I originally thought... forcing you to take a stand on the book club is a good thing for the fair party... My son, he broke a hand."

"Your son is a trash." He Wen looked at him, "Shi Baofeng, look at my mouth and hear clearly, your son is a trash. You can fight any way you want, but your son is just a trash Trash, he's none of my business."

The teacup in Shi Baofeng's hand was thrown over suddenly, He Wen stretched out his hand, and the teacup flew to the side of the room and smashed into pieces.

Zhou Shang held the teacup with two fingers, looked at it for a while, then raised his head and looked at Shi Baofeng.

"Your son is a waste." After he finished speaking, he turned around and opened his mouth. There was no sound for a while. After a while, everyone heard him say:

"...This world is rotten."

He stood up and turned to go out. The other four sat there without moving. On the round table, except for Shi Baofeng who poured himself a cup of tea, the remaining four cups of tea did not move. The pale light that came in when Zhou Shang opened the door was mixed together.

The sound of buzzing in the distance came like a tide, and footsteps stepped out.

...there was a war.

In late autumn, in the evening, the pale light of the sky is gradually fading, leaving the rule of this world to the creeping darkness.

On the side of the street near the venue, Ning Ji was listening to the gossip from the martial arts competition in the crowd, and suddenly felt the unusual atmosphere around him.

The meeting broke up, and some horses and horses left the long street one after another, and with them, there were a large number of guards or secret sentries from various forces. For some reason, the atmosphere of the meeting this time was particularly unusual.

At the teahouse and restaurant on the street, some people had a relationship with the participants, and they went to inquire about the news at the first time, and then, the atmosphere of commotion surged in the pale sky.

"problem occurs…"

"He Wen followed..."

"I tore my face..."

"This time things are going to make a big splash..."

There was a burst of whispering and whispering, and a large number of pedestrians began to leave in different directions in a hurry, like the first wave of receding waves. Ning Ji listened to a few words, and then tried to go to a high place to check the direction chosen by the Baofeng team.

There are several streets away from this meeting place, and every king will try to choose a different path every time.

However, it is a little troublesome to go to a high place. At this time, the secret sentries and guards of all parties have arranged manpower to patrol the roof. Even though some sharpshooters can't beat him, they still have the advantage of eyesight. He wandered around for a while, considering countermeasures.

After a while, in the distant night, there was the sound of fighting, Ning Ji listened to it for a while, and then saw the rising fireworks, and someone was warning in the distance.

"Assassination of the Equality King—"

There are like-minded people?

Ning Ji was slightly stunned, and then walked towards the direction of the commotion. If the assassins failed to succeed in the middle of the assassination, he didn't mind joining the gang halfway to do something big.

However, the fierce assassination only lasted for a moment. Ning Ji ran halfway and noticed that the momentum belonging to King Equality became more and more stable, and then guards and masters belonging to King Equality began to appear in the nearby streets and everywhere. Their expressions no longer seemed eager, and they might have already grasped the situation.

Ning Ji couldn't get to a high place, and went retrograde along the corner of the street with the chaotic crowd for a while. When he reached the corner of the street ahead, the chaotic voice had come to an end. Through the gap between the soldiers guarding the street, he saw The long street in the distance was covered with blood, and five or six figures were restrained and knelt on the street. Shi Baofeng's figure walked in front of these people, slashing them to the ground with a knife.

"kill me-"

"You guys want to kill me—"

"He Wen! Why don't you come in person—"

With his inner strength forced, Shi Baofeng roared loudly in the last twilight of autumn, and the darkness swept across the long street, drowning him. It was only then that Ning Ji discovered that Baby Shit's martial arts were actually quite good.

He ground his teeth, turned and left.

The other party has taken precautions, and there is no chance of assassination at this time.

But what's going on with today's convention?

After walking far, he has time to recall what happened before. Regarding the rift between the five idiots of the Fair Party, rumors spread in the city every day, and it was said a few days ago that there was a falling out, so what happened today? Fall out again?

Night has fallen, and there are all kinds of pedestrians on the street, some are running in a hurry, some are sneaking around, piles of garbage are emitting a stench on the side of the street, and in the surrounding dark alleys, there are rotten smells from dead bodies. The smell, the city seems to be in a dying state, and it is almost hopeless.

Having lost the opportunity to assassinate, Ning Ji also felt somewhat at a loss, what should he do next? Looking for some medicine? The surrounding medical halls have long since disappeared... He passed through the small half of the city amidst the faint hustle and bustle, UU Reading Surprisingly, no one came to trouble him, so that it was impossible for him to take advantage of the problem to hit anyone a meal. In this way, he returned to the road near Wuhu Inn and walked towards the familiar low bridge.

There was a slight orange flame under the bridge hole, the little monk didn't stay by the fire, he stood on the river beach outside the bridge hole, looked into the bridge hole strangely, and also paid attention to the situation on the side of the bridge, rather avoid The little monk looked at him with his eyes, and the little monk looked slightly compassionate, and didn't say anything.

Ning Ji walked across the short bridge, looking from above the short bridge, the outline of the ancient city seemed to become more beautiful in the dark, those burning flames were like orange lanterns above the outline. He went down from the embankment, in the bridge hole, Xue Jin was hugging the woman's body, crying slightly, Ning Ji went over and squatted down, and stretched out his hand to touch the side of the woman's neck.

There was only a little residual warmth left on the body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah…"

Xue Jin opened his mouth with only a few missing teeth, weeping weakly and mournfully.

Ning Ji looked at him.

"She's dead..."

He tried to say it as calmly as possible.

But for some reason, it couldn't be done.

In the dark night, there are fireworks rising...

Those are the firework arrows used by various forces as a warning, and they have risen recently.

For some reason, Ning Ji recalled the scene when he saw the couple for the first time.

It was the night of August 15th, Xue Jin brought back food from begging, and they leaned together weakly on the embankment, facing the dark night, waiting for the fireworks to rise again.

"They... will play it again..."

At that moment, they faced the darkness, so longingly, looking forward to...

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