MTL - Pokémon World’s Male Mother-Chapter 711 press

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"Ms. Rita, is it time for you to explain the problem?"

As Eminem spoke, a ball of flames floated out of his palm, and he leaned against the edge of the birdcage.

This "birdcage" is essentially a rock blockade used by Lao Ka. Although the effect it exerts is far from full strength, it is enough to restrain Rita!

Her Pokémon form is "Moe Gafly", and it can be seen from this form that it is purely for peeping, and has almost no combat effectiveness.

"Wait, wait! You can't do this..." Rita screamed.

But in this "birdcage", she can't even transform back into a human!

"Oh? Didn't you come to silence me? It's normal for me to kill you now, right?'s just a cute horsefly. Although it is illegal to kill a Pokémon without a reason, but...this kind of thing, if you are not careful, who What can I do?" Amu continued to threaten without paying attention.

"Shut up? No, no, no, I'm not a murderer, I just want to..." Rita said, turning into an indistinct Digu.

Well, she really didn't dare to kill, but she was ready to give Eri a few "forget about it" if the situation was bad!

"Oh? Is that forgetting everything?]? I don't know how to do this yet, so I can use you to try it." Eminem started talking nonsense.

Forget it all] Among the formed magic, it is relatively difficult to practice.

Because it is essentially an evolution of instant amnesia, and in Pokémon skills, it is a skill that increases one's ability to resist special attacks by emptying the brain and concentrating mental power—equivalent to "Distribute" one's own spiritual power all over the body, so that special energy cannot be harmed...

It's just that if you don't use it well, your concentration will be affected, and it looks like dementia, so it's called instant amnesia].

Of course, the ancient wizards also developed this trick, but...human beings' spiritual power really can't stand such a toss, and they are even prone to permanent "dementia" and "forgetfulness", so this trick was abandoned.

Until a black wizard developed a way to apply this effect to others!

It becomes nothing but forgetfulness]...

Of course, for Eminem, learning magic mainly depends on Lao Ka's staff-making skills. It is impossible to practice it by yourself. At that time, Eminem would rather learn pharmacy—this is the way to maximize the benefits. !

After all, Eminem's magic talent is only "some", and his pharmacy aptitude is the best.

But Rita was obviously intimidated by Eminem's viciousness, and had no doubt that Eminem dared to do this...

From the moment he "trapped" herself with lawyer Yingli, Rita was convinced that these despicable guys had sinister intentions!

"I... Then what do you think? I didn't kill your mother... I just reported it truthfully..." Rita said, looking at Yingri, and defended herself.

When Yingli heard that, when she was in a rage, Emu stopped her—I'm better at interrogating this kind of people!

After all, the psychology of a lawyer's conversation is to face the object of defense. He must use sincerity and sincerity to calm down and soothe the other party, so that he is willing to tell the truth.

As for Rita's hob meat, this method cannot be used, and the relationship between the two parties is also different!

Rita, as a reporter, besides turning into a "cute horsefly" to peep, also has a strong emotional insight, and she will find a flaw if she is a little soft-hearted.

"Ah? are a reporter with a clear conscience?" Eminem asked in feigned surprise.

"Of course! I'm a respectable reporter!" Rita said immediately.

"That's such a pity. Originally, I wanted to ask you about the black hands behind the scenes and their secrets, so we can be regarded as people on the same boat...Since you are a good reporter, let's just silence it." Ah Mu said regretfully.

As he said that, he already held his hand to the birdcage - of course, the fire was still floating in his hand.

At first, Rita thought that Eminem was just scaring her, so she pretended to be calm and didn't speak, but...

Immediately afterwards, she felt a real burning sensation that penetrated deep into her soul!

Eminem's Fiercefire Curse], burned over without reservation—Rita thought she saw it clearly, he didn't hesitate at all, or it was the performance of "burn carefully, give her a chance to react", that is, to burn carelessly. Come here, this attitude seems to be... burn to death, burn to death!

Of course, Rita has seen before that the reason why Eminem and Eri fished him out was definitely not to kill him as "revenge", but to have a bigger goal...


It's obviously true that Eminem has absolutely no mercy now!

"Ah... Meng..." Rita screamed.

During the transformation of Pokémon, it will also be affected by Pokémon's body...

"Wait, wait! Help me! I said, what I want to know...I said..." Rita asked for help sharply.

Seeing this, Ah Mu stopped burning—although the feeling of burning is real, UU Reading But... Ah Mu is a "fire of compassion", if it really burns, it will only "tire her to death" ", instead of being burned to death.

But Rita has been cowardly at this time...

"Are you... are you sure you want to know? Hehe, what can you do after you know? That's not a small person like me..." Rita was a little provocative again after recovering from her breath.

Amu didn't care about her, and took out his illustrated book to take pictures...

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, Miss Rita, tell me, who are the high-level officials of the Garrel Ministry of Magic and the Quartz Alliance Prosecutor's Office who are colluding with you?" Eminem recorded directly.

"Are you crazy? You still recorded it? What if someone finds out..." Rita suddenly went crazy.

"Discovered? If you find it, you will find it. Anyway, I am a beast trainer and an expert pharmacist." Amu said indifferently, and then suddenly reacted: "Ah! You said you were discovered? Then you look forward to it." Don't be found out...don't think about talking about other people to lie to me, if I find out that something is wrong, I will also publish the video!"

"You... What a devil!" Rita gritted her teeth.

The reason why Eminem recorded it was to let Rita "get on the thief ship" - she wanted to inform the "behind the scenes" later that Eminem and Eri were investigating his affairs, and think about it...she betrayed each other first!

"Well, since you must know, then I'll tell you... I hope you won't regret it later!" Rita said viciously.

"Of won't believe me if I only say the name, and I can indeed give some evidence, but...obviously, what I have is not enough to shake their status, otherwise I wouldn't be doing well until now Yes, this is called measure..."

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts